
Detail View Controller as Navigation Controller?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, This is a great sample project and something I've been searching for, for a while. However the sample project does not work if you need to house your detailViewController within a navigation controller. I'm currently playing around with the project to see if I can get it working, could you possibly update the sample project to show how this would work?

I downloaded this project, built it using Xcode 6.1 and ran it on both the simulator (iOS 7.1) and an iPad Air (iOS 7.1) with no problems. I then created my own project using this project as my guide. It worked fine on the simulator but would not run on the iPad. The problem I ran into was in the AppDelegate where it sets the detailViewController, the viewControllers array only had 1 view controller in it and it wasn't the detail view controller it was the master view controller. So when setDetailViewController is called it tries to set the navigationPaneBarButtonItem in the master view controller (which does not exist) and causes an exception. Thinking I missed something when writing my project, I started over with a new blank project in Xcode 6.1 and copied your files and storyboard into it. This project has the exact same problem as my project. If you have time and your curious, could you please port your project over to work in Xcode 6.1 with storyboards? Thanks.