
Building static binary

cyrus-mc opened this issue · 3 comments

According to the documentation there are two steps required to build statically:

  • add build tag yara_static
  • set LDflags to include extdldflags -static.

I have set the build tag at the top of the main package as such:

//go:build yara_static
// +build yara_static

package main

import (

func main() {

I then invoke go build with -tags=yara_static and -ldflags '-s -w -extldflags "-static"'.

Building results in multiple errors relating to yara.Scanner, yara.NewCompiler, etc undefined.

Please tell me the environment you are trying to build go-yara in. Also, provide a complete minimal reproducer program and the exact error messages you are getting.

@cyrus-mc Since you haven't provided any more information, I'm closing this issue.