
Where to put static files?

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Thanks for your simple yet cool sgg generator.

I dont have a clue on how to use static files in minissg. Is this feature exists or still in development?
One thing i notice is when we put static files in public folder, on every build, it will get removed.

Thank you @lakuapik
Here is the site on how to install and where put your files.
mini ssg website

Take a look at point nr. 3a,
Your static files live in dev/pages/
example: dev/pages/index.html or dev/pages/about.html , etc..

Scroll through the bottom of that link, you'll find the general folder structure

Everything in /public folder will be generated for you, you shouldn't work on this folder

Let me know if something not clear

Thanks @hilmanski

I thought the dev/pages folder just for html files only.

IMHO, would it be better if there is dedicated folder to store static files (css/js/img) rather than put into dev/pages folder?

I've seen some SSG put their "static files" in separate folder.
At first I did separate assets folder and pages , but after some consideration, I bring them back together.

Mini SSG is different from typical SSG, where they have 'dynamic' and 'static' sites,
Mini SSG is currently focusing on simplicity to prevent your write DRY HTML files (not to write dynamic content like blog), that's the reason I make a same entry location.

Thanks for your input. It might be change in the future.
BTW, have you tried it, how was your experience?

Hi @lakuapik
I did change the folder structure today, with version >= 0.2 of mini SSG
all static folder and files move/live in '/dev/static' folder.

So if you have any css, js, sitemap.xml etc... you can put it there.
thanks for your input