
Git hooks and code style Validator.

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📈 git-validator

Git hooks and code style Validator

What is it

This is a cli tool for:

  • checking JS/TS code style
  • blocking smelly commit messages when committing code
  • setting up git hooks to block 💩 slipping into your code base

In short, this is an all-in-one tool for code quality. In other words, this is a great alternative to standard and xo.


  • 🔧 Zero Configuration: 0️⃣ configuration file is needed, while still allowing customization of eslint, prettier and commitlint rules.
  • 📦 Unified package: Just 1️⃣ npm package to install, replacing multiple. You don't need eslint, prettier, commitlint, lint-staged, husky any more.
  • 🚀 Simple to use: Only 2️⃣ steps required: set up scripts and run it once.

Quick Start

Run this command in your project directory to lint code.

npx git-validator

Usually, we recommend you to install it and set it up in your project. Please continue reading the doc below.


pnpm add -D git-validator



Edit package.json > postinstall script and run it once.

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "git-validator install",
    "style": "git-validator", // Run this to check the whole project code style
    "style:update": "git-validator -u" // Run this to check the whole project code style and apply fixes
pnpm run postinstall

Now you can commit code (using Git) to your project. Invalid code or commit messages will be automatically blocked.

Powered by @git-validator/eslint-config, we now support .js / .mjs / .cjs / .jsx / .ts / .mts / .cts / .tsx / package.json by default.

Setup tsconfig.json

This tool has integrated @git-validator/tsconfig. Optionally, you can setup tsconfig.json using git-validator/tsconfig if you like. It provides a more consistent development experience.

// tsconfig.json
  "extends": "git-validator/tsconfig"

For more best practices, please refer to the document of @git-validator/tsconfig.


There are some convenient built-in commands for you to lint and format code (using eslint and prettier under the hood). You can run npx git-validator -h for more details.

Usage: git-validator [options] [command] [paths...]

lint & format code using eslint & prettier

  paths                        dir or file paths to format and lint

  -V, --version                output the version number
  -u, --update                 automatically update files to fix code style problems
  -h, --help                   display help for command

  lint [options] [paths...]    lint code using eslint
  format [options] [paths...]  format code using prettier
  install [options]            install git-validator config files by writing git hook files to .git/hooks

Customizing Linting & Formatting Rules

The default linting rule is @git-validator/eslint-config and the default formatting rule is @git-validator/prettier-config. You can add eslint.config.js and prettier.config.js in the root of project to apply your own linting & formatting rules.

eslint.config.js example.

// You may need to install '@sxzz/eslint-config' first
import { all } from "@sxzz/eslint-config";

export default all;

prettier.config.js example.

import config from "@git-validator/prettier-config";

export default {
  printWidth: 120,

By default, you don't need .eslintignore and .prettierignore files in the root of project. But you can still add them to ignore some files when linting or formatting.

We recommend you to use this tool in zero configs. If you have better suggestions about linting and formatting rules, please submit the issue or PR. Any reasonable suggestions are welcome!

Customizing Commit Message Rules

By default, this tool requires your commit messages to follow the Conventional Commits guidelines. You can customize it by adding commitlint.config.js file in the root of project.

commitlint.config.js example.

// You may need to install '@commitlint/config-angular' first
export default { extends: ["@commitlint/config-angular"] };

How it Works

Running git-validator install writes commit-msg and pre-commit files to the {PROJECT_ROOT}/.git/hooks directory, which will check your code and commit messages after running the git commit command.

commit-msg Stage

The commit-msg file we wrote validates your git commit message before the commit is made. We use @commitlint/cli with @commitlint/config-conventional config to check the git commit message.

pre-commit Stage

The pre-commit file we wrote lints and formats your staged code before the commit is made. We use Eslint with @git-validator/eslint-config and Prettier with @git-validator/prettier-config to check the committing code.

Advanced Usage

Setup pre-push Stage

Running git-validator install writes commit-msg and pre-commit files only. As git pre-push stage is widely used, you can run git-validator install --pre-push <cmd> to set up git pre-push stage additionally.

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "git-validator install --pre-push 'npm run test'"

Skipping installation

If you don't want to check git commit messages, adding the --no-commit-msg option will skip writing ${PROJECT_ROOT}/.git/hooks/commit-msg file. Similarly, adding the --no-pre-commit option will skip writing ${PROJECT_ROOT}/.git/hooks/pre-commit file. Here is an example:

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "git-validator install --no-commit-msg"

Skipping linting or formatting on pre-commit stage

When you commit you code, it will lint (using eslint) code first and then format (using prettier) code. If you want to skip one of them, you can pass --no-eslint or --no-prettier option when running git install.

  "scripts": {
    // it will not lint code and will only format code when you commit your code
    "postinstall": "git-validator install --no-eslint",
    "format": "git-validator format",
    "format:update": "git-validator format -u"
  "scripts": {
    // it will not format code and will only lint code when you commit your code
    "postinstall": "git-validator install --no-prettier",
    "lint": "git-validator lint",
    "lint:update": "git-validator lint -u"

Working with husky

This library can work as a standalone package. However, if you have Husky 5 or a later version installed, you'll need to manually add .husky/commit-msg and .husky/pre-commit, as Husky will ignore the .git/hooks/commit-msg and .git/hooks/pre-commit:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh"

.git/hooks/commit-msg $1
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/husky.sh"

.git/hooks/pre-commit $1


  • Clone this repository.
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable.
  • Install dependencies using pnpm install.
  • Run pnpm style:update to develop.
  • Start coding and submit your PR.

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