
Order Model

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Similar to the Product model create the Order model

Discussion 🗣

The model needs to be created to handle API data.

Can do it. Where can I find the attributes list that we'll get from the API?

Can do it. Where can I find the attributes list that we'll get from the API?

Check the order_item.dart in widgets for the fields. And you just need to create the model for now. I'll create a separate issue to handle the data.

That's all right?

order model

Should I also change the profile.dart file to pass Order object to order_item.dart instead of the individual attributes?

Should I also change the profile.dart file to pass Order object to order_item.dart instead of the individual attributes?

Not for now, there are a lot of issues assigned on Profile Screen, we need to wait till it is resolved. I'll create a separate issue for the Product and Order Model altogether

Should I also change the profile.dart file to pass Order object to order_item.dart instead of the individual attributes?

Not for now, there are a lot of issues assigned on Profile Screen, we need to wait till it is resolved. I'll create a separate issue for the Product and Order Model altogether

Okay then I'll push just this code

Done. Please check the code :)