
Better crediting

main-gi opened this issue · 4 comments

This is not that high of a priority but it's a goal to strive to, after all credit is pretty important.

In the previous game of this company's high score thread, we actually had many scores all across the spectrum in graph form, and in there, solutions obviously discovered by OCD prerelease were uncredited because the contributor was not the first one to get that solution.

yifeixuer got a Cubical Communication 6i score, but that one (though, his solution looks way more elegant :P) was actually tied before. What's your structure for who gets credit? (In theory people could copypaste a score from a steam post to claim themselves as having made it)

(I wouldn't mind giving credit to someone else in the case where the beta tester who got some lowest OCD score doesn't want to come forward though.)

Can you link to the previous version's scoring system? If someone is able to provide a dated post of a solution by opening an issue with a link to that solution I'd be happy to change the credit. Unfortunately it seems rather hard to prove if it wasn't publicly posted. My main aim for this repository is to find all the best possible solutions but I agree giving credit is important too.

This was the previous game's high score chart. There's actually a spectrum of scores for each level, and a site with graphs was made: http://hrm.complexity.nl/scores/graph.html

I had a pull request of 6i of Cubical Communication pending when the current 6i was updated, and I know that commonnickname had one even before me. That being said, the current 6i is honestly a much better solution, and would beat us if we tiebroke by if-branch statements (which I wouldn't be opposed to).

For an example, here is a twitch VOD where the solution is being discussed: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/313279830 so, several people have discovered it before his reporting it. That is a minor example and is probably best resolved without action. Another way is just to change "Creator" to "Contributor" in the table, and have the contributor's comments clarify (or even another table column) where the solution comes from.

All the information to create graphs like that is being recorded so graphs could be implemented at a future date. I'll add it to my todo list but I won't have a chance to work on it much for quite a while. If anyone else would like to put it together feel free to comment here.

I would (in part because I'd like to have them for LB as well). The offline copy of that graphs page works besides the ability to hover over each data point.