
[Feature request] : Make the scorer directly accessible via a python API

sven-nm opened this issue · 0 comments

It would be great if the scorer could be called via a python API. At time of writing, the scorer can only be fed with HIPE-compliant tsv-files. This is a limitation for two reasons :

  1. It makes it complicated to evaluate on the fly (e.g. at the end of each epoch).
  2. It makes it necessary to rebuild words out of each model's tokens, which can be subtokens.

This second point can be very problematic, depending on the your labelling strategy. Before sub-tokenizing, an input example may look like :

O      B-PERS     I-PERS  I-PERS
The  Australian  Prime   minister 

A model like BERT could tokenize and label this example like so :

The  Austral  ##ian    Prime   minister

However, at inference time, the model may predict something like :

The  Austral  ##ian    Prime   minister

To evaluate this prediction, you must first rebuild the words to match the ground-truth tsv. However, since austral and ##ian have to different labels, it is not clear which should be chosen.

If there was a possibility to feed the scorer with two simple list objects (prediction and ground-truth, in a seqeval like fashion), things would be easier.

Though the aforementioned problem could be circumvented by labelling only the first sub-token, it would still be great to evaluate predictions on the fly, and even to have the API directly accessible via external frameworks such as HuggingFace.