
Webpack 5

krainboltgreene opened this issue · 2 comments

So react-docgen-typescript-plugin@0.6.2 depends on react-docgen-typescript-loader@3.7.2, which depends on @webpack-contrib/schema-utils@1.0.0-beta.0 which has a peer of webpack@^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0.

Normally I'd make a PR to @webpack-contrib/schema-utils, but they're on version v3.0.0! Luckily the latest version doesn't have any peers (weird), but there's two breaking versions difference so there's some work to do. I head over to react-docgen-typescript-loader, but it's currently archived! So now I'm here, which is a library that is still shipping 0.X.Y, to see what I can do about getting ready for Webpack 5. Thoughts?

So i've moved the bits of code we used from react-docgen-typescript-loader into this plugin #19. I'm not sure if there are any other things that we need to do to make this plugin webpack 5 compatible. Will happily merge any PR you make to fix the issue!

I think we're good!