
SceneView is a 3D and AR Android Composable and View with Google Filament and ARCore. This is a Sceneform replacement in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


3D and AR Android @Composable and layout view with Google Filament and ARCore

A Sceneform replacement in Kotlin and Jetpack Compose

Sceneview ARSceneview

Filament ARCore

Discord Open Collective



3D (Filament included)

dependencies {
    // Sceneview
    implementation 'io.github.sceneview:sceneview:2.0.1'

API Reference

AR (Filament + ARCore included)

dependencies {
    // ARSceneview
    implementation 'io.github.sceneview:arsceneview:2.0.1'

API Reference


3D Model Viewer

val engine = rememberEngine()
val modelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine)
val environmentLoader = rememberEnvironmentLoader(engine)
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    engine = engine,
    modelLoader = modelLoader,
    childNodes = rememberNodes {
        add(ModelNode(modelLoader.createModelInstance("model.glb")).apply {
            // Move the node 4 units in Camera front direction
            position = Position(z = -4.0f)
    environment = environmentLoader.createHDREnvironment("environment.hdr")!!


AR Model Viewer

val engine = rememberEngine()
val modelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine)
val model = modelLoader.createModel("model.glb")
var frame by remember { mutableStateOf<Frame?>(null) }
val childNodes = rememberNodes()
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    engine = engine,
    modelLoader = modelLoader,
    onSessionUpdated = { session, updatedFrame ->
        frame = updatedFrame
    onGestureListener = rememberOnGestureListener(
        onSingleTapConfirmed = { motionEvent, node ->
            val hitResults = frame?.hitTest(motionEvent.x, motionEvent.y)
            val anchor = hitResults?.firstOrNull {
                it.isValid(depthPoint = false, point = false)

            if (anchor != null) {
                val anchorNode = AnchorNode(engine = engine, anchor = anchor)
                    ModelNode(modelInstance = modelLoader.createInstance(model)!!)
                childNodes += anchorNode


AR - Cloud Anchors


sceneView.cloudAnchorEnabled = true

// Host/Record a Cloud Anchor
node.onAnchorChanged = { node: ArNode, anchor: Anchor? ->
    if (anchor != null) {
        node.hostCloudAnchor { anchor: Anchor, success: Boolean ->
            if (success) {
                // Save the hosted Cloud Anchor Id
                val cloudAnchorId = anchor.cloudAnchorId

// Resolve/Restore the Cloud Anchor
node.resolveCloudAnchor(cloudAnchorId) { anchor: Anchor, success: Boolean ->
    if (success) {
        node.isVisible = true

AR Depth/Objects Occlusion

sceneView.isDepthOcclusionEnabled = true

This will process the incoming ARCore DepthImage to occlude virtual objects behind real world objects.
If the AR Session is not configured properly the standard camera material is used.
Valid Session.Config for the Depth occlusion are Config.DepthMode.AUTOMATIC and Config.DepthMode.RAW_DEPTH_ONLY
Disable this value to apply the standard camera material to the CameraStream.

AR Geospatial API

Follow the official developer guide to enable Geospatial in your application. For configuring the ARCore session, you just need to enable Geospatial via ArSceneView.

  • Enable Geospatial via ArSceneView
arSceneView.geospatialEnabled = true
  • Create an Anchor
val earth = arSceneView.session?.earth ?: return
if (earth.trackingState == TrackingState.TRACKING) {
    // Place the earth anchor at the same altitude as that of the camera to make it easier to view.
    val altitude = earth.cameraGeospatialPose.altitudeMeters - 1
    val rotation = Rotation(0f, 0f, 0f)
    // Put the anchor somewhere around the user.
    val latitude = earth.cameraGeospatialPose.latitude + 0.0004
    val longitude = earth.cameraGeospatialPose.longitude + 0.0004
    earthAnchor = earth.createAnchor(latitude, longitude, altitude, rotation)
// Attach the anchor to the arModelNode.
arModelNode.anchor = earthAnchor

Camera Permission and ARCore install/update/unavailable

ArSceneView automatically handles the camera permission prompt and the ARCore requirements checks. Everything is proceed when the attached view Activity/Fragment is resumed but you can also add your ArSceneView at any time, the prompt will then occure when first addView(arSceneView) is called.

If you need it, you can add a listener on both ARCore success or failed session creation (including camera permission denied since a session cannot be created without it)

  • Camera permission has been granted and latest ARCore Services version are already installed or have been installed during the auto check
sceneView.onArSessionCreated = { arSession: ArSession ->
  • Handle a fallback in case of camera permission denied or AR unavailable and possibly move to 3D only usage
sceneView.onArSessionFailed = { exception: Exception ->
    // If AR is not available, we add the model directly to the scene for a 3D only usage

The exception contains the failure reason. e.g. SecurityException in case of camera permission denied


  • Use sceneview dependency for 3D only or arsceneview for 3D and ARCore.
  • Compose: Use the Scene or ARScene @Composable
  • Layout: Add the <SceneView> or <ArSceneView> tag to your layout or call the ArSceneview(context: Context) constructor in your code.
  • Requesting the camera permission and installing/updating the Google Play Services for AR is handled automatically in the ArSceneView.
  • Support for the latest ARCore features (the upcoming features will be integrated quicker thanks to Kotlin).
  • Lifecycle-aware components = Better memory management and performance.
  • Resources are loaded using coroutines launched in the LifecycleCoroutineScope of the SceneView /ArSceneView. This means that loading is started when the view is created and cancelled when it is destroyed.
  • Multiple instances are now possible.
  • Much easier to use. For example, the local and world position, rotation and scale of the Node are now directly accessible without creating Vector3 objects (position.x = 1f , rotation = Rotation(90f, 180f, 0f), scale = Scale(0.5f), etc.).


Why have we included the Kotlin-Math library in SceneView?

Earlier versions of OpenGL had a fixed rendering pipeline and provided an API for setting positions of vertices, transformation and projection matrices, etc. However, with the new rendering pipeline it is required to prepare this data before passing it to GLSL shaders and OpenGL doesn't provide any mathematical functions to do that.

It is possible to implement the required functions yourself like in Sceneform or use an existing library. For example, C++ supports operator overloading and benefits from the excellent GLM library that allows to use the same syntax and features as GLSL.

We use the Kotlin-Math library to rely on a well-tested functions and get an advantage of using Kotlin operators for vector, matrix and quaternion operations too.

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