
Growl notification

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Growl notification feature request, with optional x min reminder.

Sorry, but I'm not a user of Growl.
It will be great if someone fork the source code and implemented the feature.
I'll pull then.

I've created a fork and checked in a change that introduces basic growl support.

I created the "grwol" branch:

However I have a problem:
Growl-Withinstaller.framework wasn't built with -fobjc-gc option, but the app is. This cause runtime error like that:

'/Users/hiroshi/Desktop/wc/wave/google-wave-notifier/build/Debug/Unofficial Google Wave Notifier.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/Growl-WithInstaller.framework/Versions/A/Growl-WithInstaller' was not compiled with -fobjc-gc or -fobjc-gc-only, but the application requires GC
*** GC capability of application and some libraries did not match

How do you get built the app?

Also, I tried to build the framework with -fobjc-gc option, but I failed, even without the option...

Hmm I'm not sure why leopard vs snowleopard would cause a difference...cause I did have the target set as leopard in xcode. Here's a version I compiled on my machine can you (or anyone else with leopard) see if it gives the same runtime error.

I launched your binary on my Leopard MacBook. I got same error as my own build.
Apple's note for 10.6 still mention compatible issue about gc on/off:
One thing I doubt is that you run the app as intel 64bit binary and intel 64bit binary of the Growl framework compiled with -fobjc-gc. However I couldn't find any evidence about that. (Is it a way to get information about gc capability from binary?)

I found that Growl framework can be built with -fobjc-gc option:

msroest, If you get the framework built with -fobjc-gc option, please replace pre-built framework with it. I'll try with it.

Cool I'll try to do that today or tomorrow and see if we can get a build working with leopard.

ye (^_^)/

Ok I've replaced the Growl-WithInstaller framework with a self built Growl.Framework with the objc-gc option on. This build is available here if someone with Leopard can test it before I check the changes in.

The one downside of this is that people without growl won't be prompted to install it, as I couldn't build the with installer version since I don't have a signing key for growl. I don't think that's a huge issue anyway.

msroest, It worked on my mac (Leopard).

I created public wave for a place to discuss about this issue:
or Search:
with:public tag:"unofficial google wave notifier" tag:dev tag:Growl

I released 0.5 with Growl notification support.