
An opinionated architecture for structuring large React/Apollo applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Similar to react-redux-architecture, but with Apollo (GraphQL) instead of Redux.

React Apollo Architecture

Work in progress

An opinionated architecture for structuring large React/Apollo applications.


  • Uses Apollo with apollo-link-rest to use GraphQL in the front-end with a regular REST back-end
  • Uses react-app-rewired to be able to import .graphql files without having to eject create-react-app
  • ESLint on graphql queries
    • yarn gql:generate // Generate schema.json from graphql types, so ESLint can validate your queries
  • Flow type definitions can be generated from the graphql schema.
    • yarn gql:generate:flow // Generate flow type definitions from schema.json
  • Auto prettifies code before committing