
Couchapp support

beezz opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm working on couchapp (design documents) support for this module. It's inspired by erica (https://github.com/benoitc/erica).

For now it's in pycouchdb.app module and CLI tool has signature like this:

$ python -m pycouchdb.app push -h
usage: python -m pycouchdb.app push [-h] [--url COUCHDB_URL] [--db DBNAME]
                                    [APPDIRS [APPDIRS ...]]

positional arguments:
  APPDIRS            List of directories holding your couchapps. Defaults to
                     all directories found in your current working directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --url COUCHDB_URL  CouchDB url. Defaults to `http://localhost:5984/`. For
                     basic auth, use e.g.
  --db DBNAME        Database name. Database must exist and you must have
                     sufficient permissions to read/write design documents
                     from/to it. If omitted, name of parent directory will be
  --create-db        Create database if it does not exist.

In the end it should have support for operations:

  • push - push directory as couchapp
  • clone - clone existing couchapp
  • create - create couchapp from included template

Would you like this to be part of pycouchdb? If so, do you have any suggestions?

Hi @beezz

I think that is very interesting thing, but I'm currently not using couchdb, and I thinking in search a new maintainer for this package.
In this situation is slightly complicated accept this, knowing that I don't have more time for maintain this package.

That's bad news. So I think you can close this issue. If you'll feel like working on this package again or you'll find someone else, just reopen it.

I'm still maintaingin the package, until new maintainer is found. But I don't want accept new features.