
Automatic start

h4llm3n opened this issue · 2 comments

Could you add something for an automatic start of an already existing instance?
The problem is that my instance was shut down due to alleged inactivity. This means that if you don't react directly, you also face the problem with OOC.

hitrov commented

That’s relatively easy to do in similar manner like I did here recently main...check-shapes#diff-53af6a127d6c5d991df138eafd7e93fa79e50297d138da3ac0180069e050ff2dR137 basically you only need to send POST request and change endpoint path to this https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/20160918/Instance/InstanceAction

good luck!

Thanks for the input. Unfortunately, I am a system integrator in the network area and not a programmer. Now I have even more question marks in my eyes. :D