arSystem.pause(true) -> targetLost not calling
Opened this issue · 1 comments
geekz-reno commented
On pause result was find, the camera still going and stop scanning, but targetLost event never calling. If i remove the pause function, both are calling perfectly.
const modelTarget = document.querySelector("#my-ar");
modelTarget.addEventListener("targetFound", (event) => {
console.log("TARGET FOUND");
arSystem.pause(true); // pause AR, keep video
modelTarget.addEventListener("targetLost", (event) => {
console.log("TARGET LOST");
arSystem.unpause(); // unpause AR and video
Kikuich commented
I think that's what the arSystem.pause() does. Since it's paused, it's not going to detect if a target was lost because it's not actively detecting anything at the moment.
What are you trying to do?