
[Feature request] Use keys to search/select right account

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4Ykw commented

Hey, this might not be a "for everyone" request, but since I have quite some accounts already and the following came naturally a couple of times when using the software.

Some dapps don't ask you to enter the account name before invoking keychain... and that results that it default to an account that I can't yet figure it out... and then the side "scrollbar" (that is too thin in my view) becomes a bit of an hassle to drive.

So I figure if on that situation, a user could just type to search/select the right account (auto-focusing on that account) and just requiring either an or to select it.

Example, in the case you would type "ate" it would select "atexoras" account, then make a delay of 1 or 2 seconds and if you press something else, go search for another one too:

Let me know any questions if it's not clear.
