
please add support for landscape & desktop view

Opened this issue · 11 comments

hi, as i figuerd out i cannot click on "confirm" on my samsung tablet if i play in landscape and split screen mode. It seems there are scaling issues. Best wishes

Hi! I realize I forgot to answer you, sorry about that.
The thing is that we do not support these features at the time, it s supposed to always be locked in portrait mode.
I'm working on adding landscape for browser screen only.

4Ykw commented

Yeah, for me it would add some extra "easiness" because the screen is not too big. So definitely as a future feature would be nice.

Any code reason for the decision on making it always locked in the portrait mode? (besides work of course)

Most of the screens wouldn't make sense nor look good in landscape mode. I've checked Metamask and a few other wallets and they are locked as well.
I took a shot at unlocking for the wallet screen only, but it doesn't seem to work correctly, especially on iOS. I'll try some more if it's really a wanted feature.

4Ykw commented

Ah, I think my observation was not complete and now I understand! I think I forgot to mention... the part where it makes the most difference, is when using dapps on the browser. Otherwise, yes I agree it looks pretty much ok in portrait mode.

It's ready for the browser, deployed for beta testers, if everything goes well, I ll ship it tomorrow.

Came here to say the same thing, good to see the browser is being updated.

Just released as 1.7.1.
I've made the choice to hide the bottom bar in landscape mode to leave more space for the dApps (Brave does the same). Let me know what you think.
EDIT : It s released for Android, iOS still pending review, but should be ready today.

4Ykw commented

Looks working ok. There are some situations where the cached page does not rotate very well, or maybe it was cached content from before the update. But after refreshing it was fine.

So far so good. More space! Total game-changer for small devices.

Glad you like it!
This issue also happened to me yesterday, I'll try to find the reason and fix it.

I very much appreciate that Hive Keychain is not following Metamask too closely. When using both Hive Keychain and Metamask on an iPad in landscape mode, it's somewhat awkward.

However, the browser of Hive Keychain is much better than Metamask, which is great.

But I agree that a bit more work on landscape would be very much appreciated.

For instance, once you enter landscape mode in the browser, it's difficult to navigate from the three dots.