
Function error when deploying chart for hivemq platform

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Following the tutorial on this link, when running
helm install <your-operator> hivemq/hivemq-platform-operator -n <namespace> --wait && helm install <your-platform> hivemq/hivemq-platform -n <namespace> --wait

It returns the following error:

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: parse error at (hivemq-platform/templates/_helpers.tpl:127): function "break" not defined


  • On Google Cloud Platform, create an Autopilot Private Cluster
  • Using Cloud Shell, run the following
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your-cluster-name> --zone <your-cluster-zone>
    kubectl create namespace hivemq
    helm repo add hivemq
    helm repo update
    helm install hivemq-operator hivemq/hivemq-platform-operator -n hivemq --wait
    helm install hivemq-platform hivemq/hivemq-platform -n hivemq --wait


EDIT: clarity on the code blocks

Hello @gdiazdelrio, and thank you for your interest in our HiveMQ Helm Charts.

It most likely seems there is an issue with the minimum Helm version required to install our charts. In the link you shared, you can see the minimum Helm version required to install our charts is 3.10.x.
Could you please confirm whether this your case? Running helm version command should tell you the exact version of Helm you are currently using.


Hi @afalhambra-hivemq, thank you for your rapid response!
It was indeed the Helm version, it appears Google Cloud's Shell is sitill running Helm 3.9. After updating it all installed correctly.