
HiveMQ deployment not working on local Kubernetes cluster

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I'm trying to test hivemq deployment using helm on the local kubernetes cluster but it's stuck at "Syncing state for the cluster hivemq":

14:45:51.370 [main] INFO  io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 32167ms. Server Running: https://hivemq-hivemq-operator-operator-8464f5b995-8s7mj:8443
14:46:01.374 [main] INFO  com.hivemq.Operator - Operating from namespace 'default'
14:46:01.377 [main] INFO  com.hivemq.Operator - Initializing HiveMQ operator
14:46:13.690 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  com.hivemq.AbstractWatcher - CustomResource watcher running for kinds HiveMQCluster
14:46:13.761 [main] INFO  com.hivemq.Operator - Operator started in 12385ms
14:46:24.062 [pool-1-thread-2] INFO  com.hivemq.Operator - Syncing state for cluster hivemq

I tried to test it by using port-forwarding but it's also timing out:

$ kubectl port-forward svc/hivemq-hivemq-mqtt 1883:1883
error: timed out waiting for the condition

I've tried using

  • K3S
  • Kind
    frameworks for local Kubernetes deployment.

The issue is resolved. Since I was testing on local kubernetes cluster, I had to decrease number of nodeCounts for hive mq cluster.