
Auto-detections of Adapter's topics in the frontend

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For usage in the workspace an other components, we need to be able to extract the topics defined in every adapter, regardless of their internal structure

While a generic mapping could be delivered as part of the consolidation of the backend's adapter definition (see ?????), this is a job that in fact can be easily implemented in the frontend

The current definition of all known adapters is using a custom format attribute :

/// opc-ua
'mqtt-topic': {
  type: 'string',
  title: 'Destination MQTT topic',
  description: 'The MQTT topic to publish to',
  format: 'mqtt-topic',
/// modbus
destination: {
  type: 'string',
  title: 'Destination Topic',
  description: 'The topic to publish data on',
  format: 'mqtt-topic',