
Cannot start HiveMQ-Edge under windows with provided run.bat file, Syntax error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Expected behavior

HiveMQ-Edge starts when executing bin/run.bat

Actual behavior

You get an error message because there is an error in the BAT file
"|" cant be processed syntactically at this point


To Reproduce

Start run.bat file on Windows (Windows 11 x64) via CMD or PWSH


Start run.bat file on Windows (Windows 11 x64) via CMD or PWSH

Reproducer code

Start run.bat file on Windows (Windows 11 x64) via CMD or PWSH


The bin/run.bat file that is provided with the HiveMQ-edge Windows release has a syntax error on the lines 18-23.
You must enclose the ASCII-Art with doublequotes else the pipe character produces an error.

Instead of:

echo ' _ _ _ __ __ ____ _ ' echo ' | | | (_) | \/ |/ __ \ | | ' echo ' | |__| |___ _____| \ / | | | | ___ __| | __ _ ___ ' echo ' | __ | \ \ / / _ \ |\/| | | | | / _ \/ _ |/ _ |/ _ \ ' echo ' | | | | |\ V / __/ | | | |__| | | __/ (_| | (_| | __/ ' echo ' |_| |_|_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\___\_\ \___|\__,_|\__, |\___| ' echo ' __/ | '

you should use:

echo "' _ _ _ __ __ ____ _ '" echo "' | | | (_) | \/ |/ __ \ | | '" echo "' | |__| |___ _____| \ / | | | | ___ __| | __ _ ___ '" echo "' | __ | \ \ / / _ \ |\/| | | | | / _ \/ _ |/ _ |/ _ \ '" echo "' | | | | |\ V / __/ | | | |__| | | __/ (_| | (_| | __/ '" echo "' |_| |_|_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\___\_\ \___|\__,_|\__, |\___| '" echo "' __/ | '"


  • Affected HiveMQ Edge version(s): hivemq-edge-2023.9
  • Used JVM version: openjdk version "21.0.1" 2023-10-17 LTS

Solved by release 2024.1