Not refreshing when data cames from a parent component
arcovoltaico opened this issue · 0 comments
arcovoltaico commented
It happens on v2.4.0 and v3.0.2
My parent component triggers every change.;
and the template is
<app-json-view [data]="mydata" [reload]="reloadJson.asObservable()"> </app-json-view>
The children component gets the new data on the console (init) but it does not update the view.
<ngx-json-viewer #viewer [json]="data" [expanded]="true"></ngx-json-viewer>
export class JsonViewComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() data;
@Input() reload: Observable<any>;
@ViewChild('viewer', {}) viewer: ElementRef;
private eventsSubscription: Subscription;
ngOnInit() {
if (this.reload) {
this.eventsSubscription = this.reload.subscribe((data) => this.init(data));
init(data) {
console.log(data); = data