
:label: e-Commerce web and mobile app project for ND CSE SU '20 Modern Web and App Development I

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Collectio Comics e-Commerce Web & Mobile Apps

e-Commerce web + mobile app project for makeshift client Collectio Comics for ND CSE SU '20 Modern Web and App Development I.

Tech Stack


Web Set Up

  1. Either download the codebase or clone the repo for your own personal copy.
  2. Within your own personal copy, at the root directory, do the yarn or yarn install commands to download the necessary dependencies.
  3. Then, do yarn start to start the development environment. This will be viewable through the browser in http://localhost:3000.
  4. You can do a yarn build to create a production-ready version of the app ready for deployment. This will create the build/ folder.

Mobile Set Up

Note: You must go through the Web setup first before going through mobile as the mobile apps are wrappers for the React web app using Capacitor.

  1. You must do a yarn build in the root directory for the production-ready version of the web app. This will be needed by the mobile setup.
  2. The capacitor.config.json file is looking specifically at the build/ folder for the web app. With this done and the yarn or yarn install commands done from the web setup, you now have access to the Capacitor CLI tools. Simply do a yarn cap sync or yarn cap copy in the root directory of the codebase.
  3. The previous commands should have updated both the ios/ and android/ folders. From here, you can choose to either open the ios or android app through either yarn cap open ios (MacOS + XCode are required as this command will the app project codebase in XCode) or yarn cap open android (any OS should work and only Android Studio is required as this opens the app project codebase in Android Studio), respectively.
  4. If the iOS app is created, choose the respective iOS device simulator (iPhone SE 2nd Generation should be the least GPU intensive) in XCode and click the run button. You must have a proper certificate for it to run. If you want to run it on an actual physical iOS device, you must have a proper certificate.
  5. If the Android app is created, you must create an Android simulator configuration within Android Studio, then choose that (Nexus 6 API 28 should be the least GPU intensive). Click the build button and once that is successful, click the run button.

Feature 6


  • buenviaje-react-performance (already pulled into master but branch still exists - not deleted after merge)

Feature: React Performance

  • React Lazy + Suspense for page and shop-item preview dynamic retrieval lazy-loading
  • Error Boundary for error-handling dynamic page route retrieval when lazy-loading

How To Install & Run

Within the feature branch root directory, simply follow the Web Set Up above. Doing it from master would be fine as this will be the latest merge, but you can also download the code from the branch and then proceed with Steps 2-4.

  • Main things to take away from Steps 2-4 is that be sure to be in the root directory, and then do yarn or yarn install (for Install) before doing a yarn start (for Run) to view the development environment through the browser at http://localhost:3000.

Note: You can largely ignore the mobile folders and assets as those would not impede a regular web development environment.

Expected Functionality

  1. React Lazy + Suspense
    • When visiting routes (especially image intensive ones such as Shop or the individual category pages Premium Items and Regular Items), you should be able to see a Spinner component on the page as it loads the images of the comic books in the background before seeing the entire page fully-loaded. If not, simply refresh the http://localhost:3000 page from the browser.
    • This is also done for each individual preview of a shop item on the web app. Spamming the refresh button on the browser while on either the preview page (Shop on header) or the individual category pages (Premium Items and Regular Items), you should be able to see 4 Spinner components after the first Spinner component. The reason the spamming may be required is that the web app and the images retrived from Firebase are not as intensive yet so the shop items load quickly so that we do not even see the 4 Spinner components acting as fallbacks.
  2. Error Boundary
    • Since the pages are now being lazy-loaded (essentially an async-await function), there will always be a possibility of an error before the page and/or the images are loaded. Therefore, this Error Boundary feature is essentially the try-catch block for that displaying a better UI component if this is the case.
    • Since again, the web app is fairly small and not as prone to errors during this particular data retrieval from Firebase, I've included comments in some files that if uncommented would essentially create that error for us to show this functionality. Simply go to any of the following files: homepage.page.jsx (src/pages/homepage/homepage.page.jsx), collection.page.jsx (src/pages/collection/collection.page.jsx), or collections-overview.component.jsx (src/components/collections-overview/collections-overview.component.jsx) and uncomment the following within the top of the Component instantiation: throw Error;. Refresh the page and go to the route that would render the Component you just gave an error to through uncommenting the throw Error, and it should display an image and text telling the user that something went wrong during page or shop items retrieval.

Files Associated

  • Updated to integrate lazy-loading, suspense and error boundary
    • src/App.js
    • src/pages/homepage/homepage.page.jsx
    • src/pages/shop/shop.page.jsx
    • src/pages/collection/collection.page.jsx
    • src/components/collection-preview/collection-preview.component.jsx
    • src/components/collections-overview/collections-overview.component.jsx
  • Convert spinner to non-HOC version for loading fallback component
    • src/components/with-spinner/with-spinner.component.jsx
    • src/components/spinner/spinner.component.jsx
  • Create error-boundary component for error fallback component
    • src/components/error-boundary/error-boundary.styles.jsx
    • src/components/error-boundary/error-boundary.component.jsx