
What are correct settings for TMC2130 SPI+STEALTHCHOP (analogue TMC2130_QUIET in OnStep)

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I've build a simple ESP32 board (pin compatible with MaxESP3, but only ESP32 and 2 TMC2130 SPI V3 from Bigtreetech installed).

I want to know how to enable StealthChop mode? I tried to set TMC2130S as AXIS1_DRIVER_MODEL and AXIS2_DRIVER_MODEL, but after a restart the tracking does not start and I see following log (DEBUG set to VERBOSE):

MSG: Setup, HAL initalize
MSG: Setup, start system service task (rate 10ms priority 7)... success
MSG: Setup, start input sense polling task (rate 1ms priority 7)... success
MSG: NV, correct key found
MSG: Axis1, start monitor task (rate 5000us priority 1)... success
MSG: Axis1, reverting settings to Config.h defaults
MSG: Axis1, stepsPerMeasure=220015.79, reverse=OFF
MSG: Axis1, backlash takeup frequency set to 0.10°/s
MSG: Axis1, adding any home and/or limit senses
MSG: StepDir1, pins step=18, dir=0, en=12
MSG: StepDir1, start task to move motor... success
WRN: StepDir1, incorrect model for current control, disabling current settings
MSG: StepDir1, init model TMC2130 legacy u-step mode 16X (goto mode OFF)
MSG: StepDir1, pins m0=13, m1=14, m2=23, decay=23
MSG: StepDir1, sequencer homes every 1 step(s)
MSG: Axis2, start monitor task (rate 5000us priority 1)... success
MSG: Axis2, reverting settings to Config.h defaults
MSG: Axis2, stepsPerMeasure=220015.79, reverse=OFF
MSG: Axis2, backlash takeup frequency set to 0.10°/s
MSG: Axis2, adding any home and/or limit senses
MSG: StepDir2, pins step=27, dir=26, en=SHARED
MSG: StepDir2, start task to move motor... success
WRN: StepDir2, incorrect model for current control, disabling current settings
MSG: StepDir2, init model TMC2130 legacy u-step mode 16X (goto mode OFF)
MSG: StepDir2, pins m0=13, m1=14, m2=5, decay=5
MSG: StepDir2, sequencer homes every 1 step(s)
MSG: Mount, site get Latitude/Longitude from NV
MSG: Mount, site get Date/Time from NV
MSG: Mount, site start sidereal timer task (rate 10ms priority 0)... success
MSG: Mount, type GEM
MSG: Mount, reset at home and in standby
MSG: Mount, limits start monitor task (rate 100ms priority 2)... success
MSG: Mount, start guide monitor task (rate 2500us priority 3)... success
MSG: Mount, library allocated 204 catalog records
MSG: Mount, set tracking sidereal
MSG: Mount, status start general status task (1s rate priority 4)... success
MSG: Axis1, enabled
MSG: Axis2, enabled
MSG: Mount, set date/time is unknown so limits are disabled
MSG: Mount, start tracking monitor task (rate 1000ms priority 6)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel A task (priority 5)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel B task (priority 5)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel BT task (priority 5)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel Local task (priority 5)... success

Here is the output when I set TMC2130 (without S)

MSG: Setup, HAL initalize
MSG: Setup, start system service task (rate 10ms priority 7)... success
MSG: Setup, start input sense polling task (rate 1ms priority 7)... success
MSG: NV, correct key found
MSG: Axis1, start monitor task (rate 5000us priority 1)... success
MSG: Axis1, reverting settings to Config.h defaults
MSG: Axis1, stepsPerMeasure=220015.79, reverse=OFF
MSG: Axis1, backlash takeup frequency set to 0.10°/s
MSG: Axis1, adding any home and/or limit senses
MSG: StepDir1, pins step=18, dir=0, en=12
MSG: StepDir1, start task to move motor... success
MSG: StepDir1, init model TMC2130 SPI u-step mode 16X (goto mode OFF)
MSG: TmcDriver, init RSENSE=0.13
MSG: SoftSpi, init MOSI=13, SCK=14, CS=23, MISO=4
MSG: StepDir1, TMC Ihold=350mA, Irun=700mA, Igoto=700mA
MSG: StepDir1, TMC standstill automatic current calibration
MSG: StepDir1, sequencer homes every 1 step(s)
MSG: Axis2, start monitor task (rate 5000us priority 1)... success
MSG: Axis2, reverting settings to Config.h defaults
MSG: Axis2, stepsPerMeasure=220015.79, reverse=OFF
MSG: Axis2, backlash takeup frequency set to 0.10°/s
MSG: Axis2, adding any home and/or limit senses
MSG: StepDir2, pins step=27, dir=26, en=SHARED
MSG: StepDir2, start task to move motor... success
MSG: StepDir2, init model TMC2130 SPI u-step mode 16X (goto mode OFF)
MSG: TmcDriver, init RSENSE=0.13
MSG: SoftSpi, init MOSI=13, SCK=14, CS=5, MISO=4
MSG: StepDir2, TMC Ihold=350mA, Irun=700mA, Igoto=700mA
MSG: StepDir2, TMC standstill automatic current calibration
MSG: StepDir2, sequencer homes every 1 step(s)
MSG: Mount, site get Latitude/Longitude from NV
MSG: Mount, site get Date/Time from NV
MSG: Mount, site start sidereal timer task (rate 10ms priority 0)... success
MSG: Mount, type GEM
MSG: Mount, reset at home and in standby
MSG: Mount, limits start monitor task (rate 100ms priority 2)... success
MSG: Mount, start guide monitor task (rate 2500us priority 3)... success
MSG: Mount, library allocated 204 catalog records
MSG: Mount, set tracking sidereal
MSG: Mount, status start general status task (1s rate priority 4)... success
MSG: Axis1, enabled
MSG: Axis2, enabled
MSG: Mount, set date/time is unknown so limits are disabled
MSG: Mount, start tracking monitor task (rate 1000ms priority 6)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel A task (priority 5)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel B task (priority 5)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel BT task (priority 5)... success
MSG: Setup, start command channel Local task (priority 5)... success

It seems like TMC2130S does not initialize SPI at all, and basically it can't set required mode.

In the source code, I don't see where TMC2130S is implemented, all if (model == TMC2130) does not check for TMC2130S

I attached my configs.

Is the StealthChop supported at all, and if yes, how it should be configured?

You specifically requested the TMC2130S model.

The "S" part means stand alone i.e. not SPI.

Use the TMC2130 model. The default for it is to use stealthChop for tracking and spreadCycle for slews which is 99% of the time the most optimal setting. Use AXISn_DRIVER_DECAY and _DECAY_GOTO if you want other.

Sorry, didn't read all the way through the first time around and you tried TMC2130 also. Doesn't change anything, use that.

I'm not sure it really uses silent mode of the driver, because GoTo and guide movements are quite noisy. My test program (uses https://github.com/teemuatlut/TMCStepper) move the motors definitely almost silent with the same microsteps/currents settings.

Do you think there is any way to figure it out, why the movements are such noisy with OnStepX?

Did you...
Use AXISn_DRIVER_DECAY and _DECAY_GOTO if you want other.

Yes, just tried as you mentioned it. Did not change anything, still noisy.

Here is my settings

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Configuration for OnStepX
 *          For more information on setting OnStep up see http://www.stellarjourney.com/index.php?r=site/equipment_onstep 
 *                      and join the OnStep Groups.io at https://groups.io/g/onstep
 *           *** Read the compiler warnings and errors, they are there to help guard against invalid configurations ***
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ADJUST THE FOLLOWING TO CONFIGURE YOUR CONTROLLER FEATURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * <-Req'd = always must set, <-Often = usually must set, Option = optional, Adjust = adjust as req'd, Infreq = infrequently changed
//      Parameter Name              Value   Default  Notes                                                                      Hint

// =================================================================================================================================
// CONTROLLER ======================================================================================================================

// PINMAP ---------------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#PINMAP
#define PINMAP                        MaxESP3 //    OFF, Choose from: MksGenL2, MiniPCB2, MaxPCB2, MaxESP3, CNC3, STM32Blue,     <-Req'd
                                          //         MaxSTM3, FYSETC_S6_2, etc.  Other boards and more info. in ~/src/Constants.h

// SERIAL PORT COMMAND CHANNELS ------------------------------------ see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#SERIAL
#define SERIAL_A_BAUD_DEFAULT        9600 //   9600, n. Where n=9600,19200,57600,115200,230400,460800 (common baud rates.)    Infreq
#define SERIAL_B_BAUD_DEFAULT        9600 //   9600, n. Baud rate as above. See (src/pinmaps/) for Serial port assignments.   Option
#define SERIAL_B_ESP_FLASHING         OFF //    OFF, ON Upload ESP8266 WiFi firmware through SERIAL_B with :ESPFLASH# cmd.    Option
#define SERIAL_C_BAUD_DEFAULT         OFF //    OFF, n. Baud rate as above. See (src/pinmaps/) for Serial port assignments.   Infreq
#define SERIAL_D_BAUD_DEFAULT         OFF //    OFF, n. Baud rate as above. See (src/pinmaps/) for Serial port assignments.   Infreq
#define SERIAL_E_BAUD_DEFAULT         OFF //    OFF, n. Baud rate as above. See (src/pinmaps/) for Serial port assignments.   Infreq

// USER FEEDBACK -------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#USER_FEEDBACK
#define STATUS_LED                    OFF //    OFF, Steady illumination if no error, blinks w/error code otherwise.          Option

// RETICLE CONTROL ------------------------------------------------ see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#RETICLE
#define RETICLE_LED_DEFAULT           OFF //    OFF, n. Where n=0..255 (0..100%) activates feature sets default brightness.   Option
#define RETICLE_LED_MEMORY            OFF //    OFF, ON Remember reticle brightness across power cycles.                      Option

// WEATHER SENSOR ------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#SENSORS
#define WEATHER                       OFF //    OFF, BME280 (I2C 0x77,) BME280_0x76, BME280_SPI (see pinmap for CS.)          Option
                                          //         BMP280 (I2C 0x77,) BMP280_0x76, BMP280_SPI (see pinmap for CS.)
                                          //         BME280 or BMP280 for temperature, pressure.  BME280 for humidity also.

// MOTION ---------------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#MOTION
#define STEP_WAVE_FORM             SQUARE // SQUARE, PULSE Step signal wave form faster rates. SQUARE best signal integrity.  Adjust
                                          //         Applies to all axes.

// =================================================================================================================================
// MOUNT ===========================================================================================================================

// Driver models (Step/Dir and Servo) many have specific requirements so be sure to follow the link below to help learn about these.
// Typically: A4988, DRV8825, LV8729, S109, TMC2130, TMC5160, TMC2209S, TMC2209U, TMC2226S, TMC2226U
// Others: SERVO_II and SERVO_PD have settings in Extended.config.h

// AXIS1 RA/AZM -------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/Configuration---Rotator-and-Focusers#AXIS1
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_MODEL            TMC2130 //    OFF, Enter motor driver model (above) in both axes to activate the mount.    <-Often

// If runtime axis settings are enabled changes in the section below may be ignored unless you reset to defaults:
// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ 
#define AXIS1_STEPS_PER_DEGREE      3840 //  12800, n. Number of steps per degree:                                          <-Req'd
                                          //         n = (stepper_steps * micro_steps * overall_gear_reduction)/360.0
#define AXIS1_REVERSE                 OFF //    OFF, ON Reverses movement direction, or reverse wiring instead to correct.   <-Often
#define AXIS1_LIMIT_MIN              -180 //   -180, n. Where n= -90..-360 (degrees.) Minimum "Hour Angle" or Azimuth.        Adjust
#define AXIS1_LIMIT_MAX               180 //    180, n. Where n=  90.. 360 (degrees.) Maximum "Hour Angle" or Azimuth.        Adjust

#define AXIS1_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS        16 //    OFF, n. Microstep mode when tracking.                                        <-Req'd
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS_GOTO   4 //    OFF, n. Microstep mode used during slews. OFF uses _DRIVER_MICROSTEPS.        Option

// for TMC2130, TMC5160, TMC2209U, TMC2226U STEP/DIR driver models:
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_IHOLD            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during standstill. OFF uses IRUN/2.0                    Option
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_IRUN             700 //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during tracking, appropriate for stepper/driver/etc.    Option
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_IGOTO            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during slews. OFF uses IRUN.                            Option
// /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /

#define AXIS1_DRIVER_STATUS           OFF //    OFF, ON, HIGH, or LOW.  For driver status info/fault detection.               Option

#define AXIS1_DRIVER_DECAY            STEALTHCHOP //    OFF, Tracking decay mode default override. TMC default is STEALTHCHOP.        Infreq
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_DECAY_GOTO       SPREADCYCLE //    OFF, Decay mode goto default override. TMC default is SPREADCYCLE.            Infreq

#define AXIS1_POWER_DOWN              OFF //    OFF, ON Powers off 30sec after movement stops or 10min after last<=1x guide.  Infreq

#define AXIS1_SENSE_HOME              OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW enables & state clockwise home position, as seen from front. Option
#define AXIS1_SENSE_LIMIT_MIN LIMIT_SENSE // ...NSE, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option
#define AXIS1_SENSE_LIMIT_MAX LIMIT_SENSE // ...NSE, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option
                                          //         Digital, optionally add: |HYST(n) Where n=0..1023 stability time in ms.
                                          //         Analog capable sense inputs also allow adding:
                                          //         |THLD(n) Where n=1..1023 (ADU) for Analog threshold.
                                          //         |HYST(n) Where n=0..1023 (ADU) for +/- Hystersis range.

#define AXIS1_WRAP                    OFF //    OFF, ON Allows unlimited RA/Azm range and ignores min/max/meridian limits.    Option

// AXIS2 DEC/ALT ------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/Configuration---Rotator-and-Focusers#AXIS2
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_MODEL            TMC2130 //    OFF, Enter motor driver model (above) in both axes to activate the mount.    <-Often

// If runtime axis settings are enabled changes in the section below may be ignored unless you reset to defaults:
// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
#define AXIS2_STEPS_PER_DEGREE      3840 //  12800, n. Number of steps per degree:                                          <-Req'd
                                          //         n = (stepper_steps * micro_steps * overall_gear_reduction)/360.0
#define AXIS2_REVERSE                 OFF //    OFF, ON Reverses movement direction, or reverse wiring instead to correct.   <-Often
#define AXIS2_LIMIT_MIN               -90 //    -90, n. Where n=-90..0 (degrees.) Minimum allowed Declination or Altitude.    Infreq
#define AXIS2_LIMIT_MAX                90 //     90, n. Where n=0..90 (degrees.) Maximum allowed Declination or Altitude.     Infreq

#define AXIS2_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS        16 //    OFF, n. Microstep mode when tracking.                                        <-Often
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS_GOTO   4 //    OFF, n. Microstep mode used during slews. OFF uses _DRIVER_MICROSTEPS.        Option

// for TMC2130, TMC5160, and TMC2209U STEP/DIR driver models:
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_IHOLD            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during standstill. OFF uses IRUN/2.0                    Option
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_IRUN             700 //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during tracking, appropriate for stepper/driver/etc.    Option
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_IGOTO            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during slews. OFF uses IRUN.                            Option
// /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /

#define AXIS2_DRIVER_STATUS           OFF //    OFF, ON, HIGH, or LOW.  Polling for driver status info/fault detection.       Option

#define AXIS2_DRIVER_DECAY            STEALTHCHOP //    OFF, Tracking decay mode default override. TMC default is STEALTHCHOP.        Infreq
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_DECAY_GOTO       SPREADCYCLE //    OFF, Decay mode goto default override. TMC default is SPREADCYCLE.            Infreq

#define AXIS2_POWER_DOWN              OFF //    OFF, ON Powers off 30sec after movement stops or 10min after last<=1x guide.  Option

#define AXIS2_SENSE_HOME              OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW enables & state clockwise home position, as seen from above. Option
#define AXIS2_SENSE_LIMIT_MIN LIMIT_SENSE // ...NSE, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option
#define AXIS2_SENSE_LIMIT_MAX LIMIT_SENSE // ...NSE, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option

#define AXIS2_TANGENT_ARM             OFF //    OFF, ON +limit range above. Set cntr w/[Reset Home] Return cntr w/[Find Home] Infreq
#define AXIS2_TANGENT_ARM_CORRECTION  OFF //    OFF, ON enables tangent arm geometry correction for Axis2.                    Infreq

// MOUNT ------------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#MOUNT_TYPE
#define MOUNT_TYPE                    GEM //    GEM, GEM for German Equatorial, FORK for Equatorial Fork, or ALTAZM          <-Req'd
                                          //         Dobsonian etc. mounts. GEM Eq mounts perform meridian flips.
#define MOUNT_COORDS          TOPOCENTRIC // ...RIC, Applies refraction to coordinates to/from OnStep, except exactly         Infreq
                                          //              at the poles. Use TOPO_STRICT to apply refraction even in that case.
                                          //              Use OBSERVED_PLACE for no refraction.

// TIME AND LOCATION -------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#TLS
#define TIME_LOCATION_SOURCE          OFF //    OFF, DS3231 (I2c,) DS3234 (Spi,) TEENSY (T3.2 internal,) or GPS source.       Option
                                          //         Provides Date/Time, and if available, PPS & Lat/Long also.
#define TIME_LOCATION_PPS_SENSE       OFF //    OFF, HIGH senses PPS (pulse per second,) signal rising edge, or use LOW for   Option
                                          //         falling edge, or use BOTH for rising and falling edges.
                                          //         Better tracking accuracy especially for Mega2560's w/ceramic resonator.

// USER FEEDBACK -------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#USER_FEEDBACK
#define STATUS_MOUNT_LED              OFF //    OFF, ON Flashes proportional to rate of movement or solid on for slews.       Option
#define STATUS_BUZZER                 OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=100..6000 (Hz freq.) for speaker. ON for piezo buzzer.    Option
#define STATUS_BUZZER_DEFAULT         OFF //    OFF, ON default starts w/buzzer enabled.                                      Option
#define STATUS_BUZZER_MEMORY          OFF //    OFF, ON to remember buzzer setting across power cycles.                       Option

// ST4 INTERFACE ------------------------------------------------------ see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#ST4
// *** It is up to you to verify the interface meets the electrical specifications of any connected device, use at your own risk ***
#define ST4_INTERFACE                 OFF //    OFF, ON enables interface. <= 1X guides unless hand control mode.             Option
                                          //         During goto btn press: aborts slew or continue meridian flip pause home
#define ST4_HAND_CONTROL               ON //     ON, ON for hand controller special features and SHC support.                 Option
                                          //         Hold [E]+[W] btns >2s: Guide rate   [E]-  [W]+  [N] trk on/off [S] sync
                                          //         Hold [N]+[S] btns >2s: Usr cat item [E]-  [W]+  [N] goto [S] snd on/off
#define ST4_HAND_CONTROL_FOCUSER       ON //     ON, ON alternate to above: Focuser move [E]f1 [W]f2 [N]-     [S]+            Option

// GUIDING BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#GUIDING
#define GUIDE_TIME_LIMIT               10 //     10, n. Time limit n=0..120 seconds. Use 0 to disable.                        Adjust
#define GUIDE_DISABLE_BACKLASH        OFF //    OFF, Disable backlash takeup during guiding at <= 1X.                         Option

// SENSORS -------------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#SENSORS
#define LIMIT_SENSE                   OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option

// PARK -------------------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#PARK
#define PARK_SENSE                    OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW state indicates mount is in the park orientation.            Option
#define PARK_SIGNAL                   OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW state park input signal triggers parking.                    Option
#define PARK_STATUS                   OFF //    OFF, signals with a HIGH or LOW state when successfully parked.               Option 
#define PARK_STRICT                   OFF //    OFF, ON Un-parking is only allowed if successfully parked.                    Option

// PEC ---------------------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#PEC
#define PEC_STEPS_PER_WORM_ROTATION     0 //      0, n. Steps per worm rotation (0 disables else 720 sec buffer allocated.)  <-Req'd
                                          //         n = (AXIS1_STEPS_PER_DEGREE*360)/reduction_final_stage

#define PEC_SENSE                     OFF //    OFF, HIGH. Senses the PEC signal rising edge or use LOW for falling edge.     Option
                                          //         Ignored in ALTAZM mode.
#define PEC_BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT         720 //    720, Seconds of PEC buffer allowed.                                           Infreq

// TRACKING BEHAVIOUR -------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#TRACKING
#define TRACK_BACKLASH_RATE            25 //     25, n. Where n=2..50 (x sidereal rate) during backlash takeup.               Option
                                          //         Too fast motors stall/gears slam or too slow and sluggish in backlash.
#define TRACK_AUTOSTART               ON //    OFF, ON Start with tracking enabled.                                          Option
#define TRACK_COMPENSATION_MEMORY     OFF //    OFF, ON Remembers refraction/pointing model compensated tracking settings.    Option

// SLEWING BEHAVIOUR ---------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#SLEWING
#define SLEW_RATE_BASE_DESIRED        1.0 //    1.0, n. Desired slew rate in deg/sec. Adjustable at run-time from            <-Req'd
                                          //         1/2 to 2x this rate, and as performace considerations require.
#define SLEW_RATE_MEMORY              OFF //    OFF, ON Remembers rates set across power cycles.                              Option
#define SLEW_ACCELERATION_DIST        5.0 //    5.0, n, (degrees.) Approx. distance for acceleration (and deceleration.)      Adjust
#define SLEW_RAPID_STOP_DIST          2.0 //    2.0, n, (degrees.) Approx. distance required to stop when a slew              Adjust
                                          //         is aborted or a limit is exceeded.
#define SLEW_GOTO                      ON //     ON, Use OFF to disable mount Goto features.                                  Infreq
#define SLEW_GOTO_OFFSET             0.25 //   0.25, Offset in deg's for goto target unidirectional approach, 0.0 disables    Option
#define SLEW_GOTO_OFFSET_ALIGN        OFF //    OFF, ON skips final phase of goto for align stars so user tends to approach   Option
                                          //         from the correct direction when centering.

// PIER SIDE BEHAVIOUR -------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#SYNCING
#define MFLIP_SKIP_HOME               OFF //    OFF, ON Goto directly to the destination without visiting home position.      Option
#define MFLIP_AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT       OFF //    OFF, ON Start with automatic meridian flips enabled.                          Option
#define MFLIP_AUTOMATIC_MEMORY        OFF //    OFF, ON Remember automatic meridian flip setting across power cycles.         Option
#define MFLIP_PAUSE_HOME_DEFAULT      OFF //    OFF, ON Start with meridian flip pause at home enabed.                        Infreq
#define MFLIP_PAUSE_HOME_MEMORY       OFF //    OFF, ON Remember meridian flip pause at home setting across power cycles.     Infreq

#define PIER_SIDE_SYNC_CHANGE_SIDES   OFF //    OFF, ON Allows sync to change pier side, for GEM mounts.                      Option
#define PIER_SIDE_PREFERRED_DEFAULT  BEST //   BEST, BEST Stays on current side if possible. EAST or WEST switch if possible. Option
#define PIER_SIDE_PREFERRED_MEMORY    OFF //    OFF, ON Remember preferred pier side setting across power cycles.             Option

// ALIGN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ALIGN_AUTO_HOME               OFF //    OFF, ON uses home switches to find home first when starting an align.         Option
#define ALIGN_MAX_STARS              AUTO //   AUTO, Uses HAL specified default (either 6 or 9 stars.)                        Infreq
                                          //         Or use n. Where n=1 (for Sync only) or 3 to 9 (for Goto Assist.)

// =================================================================================================================================
// ROTATOR =========================================================================================================================

// Driver models (Step/Dir and Servo) many have specific requirements so be sure to follow the link below to help learn about these.
// Typically: A4988, DRV8825, LV8729, S109, TMC2130, TMC5160, TMC2209S, TMC2209U, TMC2226S, TMC2226U
// Others: SERVO_II and SERVO_PD have settings in Extended.config.h

// AXIS3 ROTATOR ------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/Configuration---Rotator-and-Focusers#AXIS3
#define AXIS3_DRIVER_MODEL            OFF //    OFF, Enter motor driver model (above) to activate the rotator.                Option
#define AXIS3_SLEW_RATE_DESIRED       1.0 //    1.0, n, (degrees/second) Maximum speed depends on processor.                  Adjust

// If runtime axis settings are enabled changes in the section below may be ignored unless you reset to defaults:
// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
#define AXIS3_STEPS_PER_DEGREE       64.0 //   64.0, n. Number of steps per degree for rotator/de-rotator.                    Adjust
                                          //         Alt/Az de-rotation: n = (num_circumference_pixels * 2)/360, minimum
#define AXIS3_REVERSE                 OFF //    OFF, ON Reverses movement direction, or reverse wiring instead to correct.    Option
#define AXIS3_LIMIT_MIN              -180 //   -180, n. Where n=-360..0 (degrees.) Minimum allowed rotator angle.             Infreq
#define AXIS3_LIMIT_MAX               180 //    180, n. Where n=0..360 (degrees.) Maximum allowed rotator angle.              Infreq

#define AXIS3_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS       OFF //    OFF, n. Microstep mode when tracking.                                         Option
#define AXIS3_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS_GOTO  OFF //    OFF, n. Microstep mode used during slews. OFF uses _DRIVER_MICROSTEPS.        Option

// for TMC2130, TMC5160, and TMC2209U STEP/DIR driver models:
#define AXIS3_DRIVER_IHOLD            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during standstill. OFF uses IRUN/2.0                    Option
#define AXIS3_DRIVER_IRUN             OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during tracking, appropriate for stepper/driver/etc.    Option
#define AXIS3_DRIVER_IGOTO            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during slews. OFF uses IRUN.                            Option
// /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /

#define AXIS3_DRIVER_STATUS           OFF //    OFF, ON, HIGH, or LOW.  For driver status info/fault detection.               Option

#define AXIS3_DRIVER_DECAY            OFF //    OFF, Tracking decay mode default override. TMC default is STEALTHCHOP.        Infreq
#define AXIS3_DRIVER_DECAY_GOTO       OFF //    OFF, Decay mode goto default override. TMC default is SPREADCYCLE.            Infreq

#define AXIS3_POWER_DOWN              OFF //    OFF, ON Powers off the motor at stand-still.                                  Option

#define AXIS3_SENSE_HOME              OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW enables & state clockwise home position, as seen from above. Option
#define AXIS3_SENSE_LIMIT_MIN         OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option
#define AXIS3_SENSE_LIMIT_MAX         OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option

// ROTATOR USER FEEDBACK ------------------------------------ see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#USER_FEEDBACK
#define STATUS_ROTATOR_LED            OFF //    OFF, ON Flashes proportional to the rate of movement (2Hz = 1deg/s.)          Option

// =================================================================================================================================
// FOCUSERS ========================================================================================================================

// Driver models (Step/Dir and Servo) many have specific requirements so be sure to follow the link below to help learn about these.
// Typically: A4988, DRV8825, LV8729, S109, TMC2130, TMC5160, TMC2209S, TMC2209U, TMC2226S, TMC2226U
// Others: SERVO_II and SERVO_PD have settings in Extended.config.h

// AXIS4 FOCUSER 1 -------------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#AXIS4
#define AXIS4_DRIVER_MODEL            OFF //    OFF, Enter motor driver model (above) to activate the focuser.                Option
#define AXIS4_SLEW_RATE_DESIRED       500 //    500, n, Where n=200..5000 (um/s.) Desired (maximum) microns/second.           Adjust

// If runtime axis settings are enabled changes in the section below may be ignored unless you reset to defaults:
// \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
#define AXIS4_STEPS_PER_MICRON        0.5 //    0.5, n. Steps per micrometer. Figure this out by testing or other means.      Adjust
#define AXIS4_REVERSE                 OFF //    OFF, ON Reverses movement direction, or reverse wiring instead to correct.    Option
#define AXIS4_LIMIT_MIN                 0 //      0, n. Where n=0..500 (millimeters.) Minimum allowed position.               Adjust
#define AXIS4_LIMIT_MAX                50 //     50, n. Where n=0..500 (millimeters.) Maximum allowed position.               Adjust

#define AXIS4_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS       OFF //    OFF, n. Microstep mode when tracking.                                         Option
#define AXIS4_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS_GOTO  OFF //    OFF, n. Microstep mode used during slews. OFF uses _DRIVER_MICROSTEPS.        Option

// for TMC2130, TMC5160, and TMC2209U STEP/DIR driver models:
#define AXIS4_DRIVER_IHOLD            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during standstill. OFF uses IRUN/2.0                    Option
#define AXIS4_DRIVER_IRUN             OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during tracking, appropriate for stepper/driver/etc.    Option
#define AXIS4_DRIVER_IGOTO            OFF //    OFF, n, (mA.) Current during slews. OFF uses IRUN.                            Option
// /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /

#define AXIS4_DRIVER_STATUS           OFF //    OFF, ON, HIGH, or LOW.  For driver status info/fault detection.               Option

#define AXIS4_DRIVER_DECAY            OFF //    OFF, Tracking decay mode default override. TMC default is STEALTHCHOP.        Infreq
#define AXIS4_DRIVER_DECAY_GOTO       OFF //    OFF, Decay mode goto default override. TMC default is SPREADCYCLE.            Infreq

#define AXIS4_POWER_DOWN              OFF //    OFF, ON Powers off 30sec after movement stops.                                Option

#define AXIS4_SENSE_HOME              OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW enables & state clockwise home position, as seen from above. Option
#define AXIS4_SENSE_LIMIT_MIN         OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option
#define AXIS4_SENSE_LIMIT_MAX         OFF //    OFF, HIGH or LOW state on limit sense switch stops movement.                  Option

#define AXIS4_SLEW_RATE_MINIMUM         2 //      2, n. Where n=1..10 (um/s.) Minimum microns/second.                         Adjust

// FOCUSER USER FEEDBACK ------------------------------------ see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#USER_FEEDBACK
#define STATUS_FOCUSER_LED            OFF //    OFF, ON Flashes proportional to the rate of movement (2Hz = 500um/s.)         Option

// FOCUSER SENSORS ------------------------------------------------ see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-Configuration#SENSORS
#define FOCUSER_TEMPERATURE           OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR, DS1820, n. Where n is the DS1820 s/n for focuser temp.       Adjust

// AXIS5 FOCUSER 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Up to 6 focusers can be present (AXIS4 to AXIS9) simply copy the above text for focuser 1 and rename to AXIS5_ for focuser 2, etc

// =================================================================================================================================
// AUXILIARY FEATURES ==============================================================================================================

// FEATURES ----------------------------------------------- see https://onstep.groups.io/g/main/wiki/6-ConfigurationMaster#AUXILIARY
// Note: Temporarily set DEBUG mode to VERBOSE and use "FEATURE1_TEMP DS1820" to list the DS18B20 device serial numbers.

#define FEATURE1_NAME          "FEATURE1" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE1_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE1_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE1_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE1_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

#define FEATURE2_NAME          "FEATURE2" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE2_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE2_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE2_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE2_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

#define FEATURE3_NAME          "FEATURE3" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE3_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE3_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE3_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE3_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

#define FEATURE4_NAME          "FEATURE4" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE4_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE4_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE4_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE4_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

#define FEATURE5_NAME          "FEATURE5" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE5_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE5_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE5_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE5_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

#define FEATURE6_NAME          "FEATURE6" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE6_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE6_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE6_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE6_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

#define FEATURE7_NAME          "FEATURE7" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE7_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE7_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE7_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE7_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

#define FEATURE8_NAME          "FEATURE8" // "FE..", Name of feature being controlled.                                        Adjust
#define FEATURE8_TEMP                 OFF //    OFF, THERMISTOR or n. Where n is the ds18b20 s/n. For DEW_HEATER temperature. Adjust
#define FEATURE8_PIN                  OFF //    OFF, AUX for auxiliary pin, n. Where n is the pin#.                           Adjust
#define FEATURE8_VALUE_DEFAULT        OFF //    OFF, ON, n. Where n=0..255 for ANALOG_OUT purpose.                            Adjust
#define FEATURE8_ON_STATE            HIGH //   HIGH, LOW to invert so "ON" is 0V and "OFF" is Vcc (3.3V usually.)             Adjust

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define FileVersionConfig 5
#include "Extended.config.h"

I also played a bit by setting AXIS1_DRIVER_MICROSTEPS_GOTO, but no help.

The quiet mode is STEALTHCHOP, use it for _GOTO also if that's what you really want.

Yes, STEALTHCHOP for _GOTO did the magic I want, thank you so much!
Btw, why is that not recommended/not default?

SPREADCYCLE achieves higher motor RPM's.