
A way to change notification sound ?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I have notifcations on doorbell press working just fine, using http://homebridge-ip:5005/doorbell.html.
However, I would like to have another sound, (like ding-dong or something)
Is this possible ?

I see something like curl -X POST -d 'ding=dong&dong=ding' http://IP_OF_HOMEBRIDGE_RUNNING_DEVICE:PORT_DEFINED_IN_CONFIG in homebridge-videodoorbell but I do not known if that works here as well or how to use it with a normal http get or post.

Thanks in advance.

Sorry, doesn't set sounds on iOS, you get what Apple provide for notifications. Not something the plugin can change. the curl example is a way to trigger something else on the event e.g. you want another system to know there's a ring or motion