
myQ API error

dgdavids opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe The Problem:

I am getting an API error with the myq Homebridge plugin. The error is as follows:

"myQ API error: Forbidden API call. This error is typically due to an offline or unavailable myQ device."

I am still able to control my garage doors using the MyQ app on my iPhone 14.

To Reproduce:

This happens immediately when starting or restarting Homebridge service and continually while it is running.


Show the Homebridge logs here.
Remove any sensitive information.

<!-- In order to be helpful, include the relevant logs from Homebridge, if applicable. -->
�[0;37m[9/14/2023, 5:06:55 PM] �[0m�[0;36m[Homebridge UI]�[0m [homebridge-myq] Incoming Request: /getDevices
�[0;37m[9/14/2023, 5:06:55 PM] �[0m�[0;36m[Homebridge UI]�[0m [homebridge-myq] myQ API error: Forbidden API call. This error is typically due to an offline or unavailable myQ device.
�[0;37m[9/14/2023, 5:06:55 PM] �[0m�[0;36m[Homebridge UI]�[0m [homebridge-myq] Incoming Request: /getErrorMessage
�[37m[9/14/2023, 5:07:46 PM] �[39m�[36m[myQ]�[39m �[31mmyQ API error: Forbidden API call. This error is typically due to an offline or unavailable myQ device.�[39m
�[37m[9/14/2023, 5:09:46 PM] �[39m�[36m[myQ]�[39m �[31mmyQ API error: Forbidden API call. This error is typically due to an offline or unavailable myQ device.�[39m
�[0;37m[9/14/2023, 5:10:21 PM] �[0m�[0;36m[Homebridge UI]�[0m [homebridge-myq] Terminating child process...
�[0;37m[9/14/2023, 5:10:21 PM] �[0m�[0;36m[Homebridge UI]�[0m [homebridge-myq] Child process ended
�[37m[9/14/2023, 5:11:47 PM] �[39m�[36m[myQ]�[39m �[31mmyQ API error: Forbidden API call. This error is typically due to an offline or unavailable myQ device.�[39m
�[37m[9/14/2023, 5:13:47 PM] �[39m�[36m[myQ]�[39m �[31mmyQ API error: Forbidden API call. This error is typically due to an offline or unavailable myQ device.�[39m
�[37m[9/14/2023, 5:15:47 PM] �[39m�[36m[myQ]�[39m �[31mmyQ API error: Forbidden API call. This error is typically due to an offline or unavailable myQ device.�[39m

Homebridge Configuration:

Show the relevant portion of your homebridge config.json here, if needed.
Remove any sensitive information.

"mdns": {
"interface": ""
"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge 5EB5",
"username": "",
"port": 51814,
"pin": ""
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"name": "IFTTT",
"makerkey": "",
"accessories": [
"name": "IFTTT",
"buttons": [
"caption": "ClosetLight",
"triggerOn": "Closet_Light_On",
"triggerOff": "Closet_Light_Off"
"caption": "LivingRoomLamps",
"triggerOn": "LivingRoomLamp_On",
"triggerOff": "LivingRoomLamp_Off"
"caption": "KitchenLight",
"triggerOn": "Kitchen_Light_On",
"triggerOff": "Kitchen_Light_Off"
"platform": "IFTTT"
"name": "Config",
"port": 8581,
"auth": "form",
"theme": "auto",
"tempUnits": "f",
"lang": "auto",
"platform": "config"
"name": "Smartthings Plug (IK)",
"BaseURL": "https://api.smartthings.com/v1/",
"AccessToken": ",
"GarageDoorMaxPoll": ",
"GarageDoorMaxPoll": 40,
"PollLocksSeconds": 10,
"PollDoorsSeconds": 10,
"PollSensorsSeconds": 5,
"PollSwitchesAndLightsSeconds": 10,
"PollWindowShadesSeconds": 20,
"ExposeHumiditySensorForAirConditioners": false,
"IgnoreDevices": [
"Roku Plug",
"Living Room Motion Sensor",
"Christmas Tree Lights",
"Previous Workbench Light",
"Computer Room Camera Plug",
"Outside Christmas Lights"
"platform": "HomeBridgeSmartThings"
"email": "dgdavids@yahoo.com",
"password": "",
"name": "myQ",
"platform": "myQ"
"apiKey": "",
"idUser": ,
"showTemp": true,
"polling": 10,
"platform": "Sunsa",
"_bridge": {
"username": "",
"port": 49857
"name": "Tuya",
"options": {
"projectType": "2",
"accessId": "",
"accessKey": "",
"countryCode": 1,
"username": "dgdavids@yahoo.com",
"password": "",
"appSchema": "smartlife"
"_bridge": {
"username": "",
"port": 38356
"platform": "TuyaPlatform"



  • Homebridge Version: v1.6.1
  • Node Version: v20.6.1
  • Homebridge-myQ Plugin Version: v3.3.0
  • Apple Device and iOS / macOS / iPadOS / tvOS Version: iPhone 14 IOS 16.6.1
  • Operating System and OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (10.0.19045)


hjdhjd commented

Thanks for the report. I'll start with the obvious first couple of questions:

  1. I assume your user credentials are correct?
  2. Have you tried specifying a myQ region? In the webUI it's in settings, advanced options. You can try east and west and see if any of them work.
  3. Can you please share the startup logs of the myQ plugin.


hjdhjd commented

These are issues on the myQ API end. I've seen similar ones happening over the last couple of days. There's not much to be done on the plugin end other than wait it out over the next few days. I'll also have an update that will improve resiliency for folks. Thanks again.

This issue is locked to prevent necroposting on closed issues. Please create a new issue for related support requests, bug reports, or feature suggestions.