
a command line tool for managing code skeletons

Primary LanguagePython


gskel is a cli project skeleton tool designed for commandline buffs and people who generally despise using a single IDE application solution for software development.

More info

GSkel offers one of the most prominent basic features of any IDE: templates, or project skeletons. The main idea behind it is to have a commandline application that can generate a new project in whatever language without creating a huge mess of unnecessary files.


GSkel dependencies:

  • Python (Developed and tested on python 2.6.5)
  • lxml - libxml python library
  • PyYAML - YAML library for python
  • argparse - command line parsing library for python

Quick Install Guide

Instructions on how to set up certain dependencies may differ depending on the platform:


Grab libxml2 and PyYAML you will need them, along with the python bindings. The recommended way to do this is using pip.

STATIC_DEPS=true sudo pip install lxml
sudo pip install pyyaml

Then grab the code from git:

git clone git://github.com/hk0i/gskel.git

The recommended install method (for the time being) is to symlink the gskel script in a local bin directory in your path:

cd gskel
ln -s gskel ~/bin/.

Assuming ~/bin is in your path you should now be able to run gskel on the command line:

$ gskel
usage: gskel [-h] [--version] [-v] [-l] [-p PROJECT_NAME] [-o OUTPATH]
         lang directive [params [params ...]]
gskel: error: too few arguments