NYU Bookstore

Steps to Run -

  1. Open as Maven Project in IDE.
  2. Right-click on pom.xml and reload project to download all dependencies.
  3. Install MySql server and make sure it is running on port 3306.
  4. Create database in MySql with name "nyu_book_store".
  5. Under resources, ensure Mysql port, database name, mysql username and password are correctly set.
  6. Perform maven clean.
  7. Perofrm maven compile.
  8. Right-click on NyuBookstoreApplication.java and run as java application.
  9. The App will run on embedded tomcat server.
  10. Go to Web Browser and enter http://localhost:8080/ to open application.

Default User created - Username - Akhil Password - password


Store Admin for NYU Bookstore

Steps to Run -

  1. Open as Maven Project in IDE.
  2. Right-click on pom.xml and reload project to download all dependencies.
  3. Install MySql server and make sure it is running on port 3306.
  4. Create database in MySql if not created with name "nyu_book_store".
  5. Under resources, ensure Mysql port, database name, mysql username and password are correctly set.
  6. Perform maven clean.
  7. Perofrm maven compile.
  8. Right-click on StoreAdminApplication.java and run as java application.
  9. The App will run on embedded tomcat server.
  10. Go to Web Browser and enter http://localhost:8081/adminportal/ to open application.

Default Admin created - Username - admin Password - admin