
A commandline client for the Bonner Boulder Liga

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple, NodeJS based, commandline client to access the data for the Bonner Boulder Liga (http://bonnerboulderliga.de).


$ npm install


Usage: index [options] [command]


    -V, --version  output the version number
    -h, --help     output usage information


    login <userid> <password>   Login with a username and password
    show <color> <boulder>      Display all ascents of a boulder
    set <color> <boulder>       Add ascent for a boulder
    unset <color> <boulder>     Remove ascent for a boulder
    ranking                     Display the ranking of the current league
    scorecard <userid> <color>  Display the scorecard a climber

The <color> parameter is used for the boulder's color and is defined as a German string. The following colors are supported:

orange, gelb, grün, rot, blau, grau, schwarz, pink

The <boulder> parameter represents the boulder's number used in the climbing gym. This can be a numerical value from 1 to n.


Displaying all ascents of a boulder

$ ./index.js show schwarz 99

John Doe
Jane Doe

Login with user userid

Check http://www.bonnerboulderliga.de/Checkclimber.html for the list of climbers and get your user id. With the id you can login and store your credentials locally, e.g.:

$ ./index.js login <userid> <password>

Add an ascent to a boulder

$ ./index.js set rot 240

Remove an ascent from a boulder

$ ./index.js unset rot 240

Show the current ranking

$ ./index.js ranking

| ------ |-------------| ------- |
| Pos.   | Name        | Points  |
| ------ |-------------| ------- |
| 1.     | Jane Doe    | 200     |   
| ------ |-------------| ------- |
| 2.     | John Doe    | 198     |
| ------ |-------------| ------- |