
Home sensor stack using ESP32 w/ a React frontend and Django(?) API

Primary LanguageC


author(s): khuynh


This repository contains the code for my home-sense project. I have some extra ESP32 dev boards laying around and I'd like to start interfacing with some sensors I have lying around. Ideally, I can trial some of the sensors I'd like to make into my kwatch project.

I'd like to extend this so that I can have multiple devices in my house all connected to the same backend and a single front-end to control/view the data.

repository structure


Off the top of my head, I'd like to have the ESP32 dev boards communicate to a backend via HTTP and maybe post analog senses every 1-10 minutes to an API that will insert into a pg database (possibly install the timescaledb extension, have to weigh the pros and cons still...). I will most likely use a DB i aleady have being hosted on one of my VPS. Then for the frontend, I'd like to deploy a react app that consumes the backend API to netlify.