
replace select version strings in files using regex

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There are cases where you only want to replace a single string in a given file, but not all instances of the "current version" in said file. For example, consider the following appChart.yaml, which is created from helm create app (with comments removed):

apiVersion: v2
name: app
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
type: application
version: 1.16.0
appVersion: 1.16.0

It's possible that both version and appVersion match the version-upper config's current version, but you only want to replace appVersion.

Potential Solution

bump2version has search, but one should be careful such that the following doesn't occur:

appVersion: appVersion: 1.16.1

Documentation isn't updated yet (see #15), but for now you can refer to test_search(), which uses chart.json to update this Chart.yaml to this Chart.yaml