
Publication maturation :: Add FMM extension to AU Base artefacts + naming

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FMM extension

To improve management and automated template publication StructureDefinitions and the ImplementationGuide are to have the FMM extension http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm added.

Implementation Guide is to be at FMM 3. StructureDefinitions should match their current build page.


<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value=""/>
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm">
    <valueInteger value="0"/> 
  <url value=""/>

Noting that some profiles are moving to AU Core a list of StructureDefinitions to be edited is below.

Resource profiles:

Profiles on Data Types

All extensions should be updated - none are moving to AU Core so a targeted list is not provided in this issue. See Extensions defined for this Guide for the complete list.


Add the word "Base" to the title of the following profiles so they read as:
AU Base Diagnostic Imaging Report [FMM 1] - diagnostic imaging report with local identifiers and terminology
AU Base Diagnostic Imaging Result [FMM 1] - diagnostic imaging result with local terminology
AU Base Diagnostic Request [FMM 1] - diagnostic request with local identifiers and terminology
AU Base Diagnostic Result [FMM 1] - diagnostic result with local terminology
AU Base Pathology Report [FMM 1] - pathology report with local identifiers and terminology
AU Base Pathology Result FMM 1] - pathology test result with local terminology