
MedicationDispense.receiver should enable 'RelatedPerson'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Raised as ballot issue for 4.1.0: https://jira.hl7australia.com/browse/FHIRIG-232


MedicationDispense.receiver - Reference (Patient | Practitioner)

The receiver should include RelatedPerson to address community dispense use cases.

Please consider also including Organization. In inpatient or hospital settings, except Schedule 8 drugs, medicines supplied are dispensed to designated wards or clinical units.

Noting that core R5 build uses RelatedPerson and Location.
Reporter:Jaymee Murdoch (on behalf of Agency)

F2F comment - AU Base does not have anything to add; no constraint is added

  1. any need to support any pre-adopts?
  2. is Organization a valid target and should we raise this as Hl7.org ticket?