
Extension for tribe/mob for indigenous Australians

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Also, @brett Esler, have we ever discussed an extension for tribe/mob for indigenous Australians?

Originally posted by @grahamegrieve in Zulip AU Core Track - 2023-11 Melbourne Connectathon. A copy of the Zulip chat related to this topic to this date is included below :

Grahame Grieve:
Also, @brett Esler, have we ever discussed an extension for tribe/mob for indigenous Australians?

Brett Esler:
Grahame Grieve no tribe/mob discussion I am aware of... any supporting naming system sources known?

Grahame Grieve:
no and the user input I got is it's not a list

Grahame Grieve:
just a string description of my place. 'mob' / 'tribe' + variants

Grahame Grieve:
Another strawman:

"extension" : [{
   "url" : "http://hl7.org.au/fhir/StructureDefinition/community-affiliation",
   "valueString" : "Karjaganujaru"

Marvin Malcolm:
Gavin Morris any thoughts on this mob/tribe discussion?

Gavin Morris:
Marvin Malcolm i don't believe we capture this in Communicare because our footprint is so small, it's all 'local' knowledge - but I will ask the experts. Grahame's proposal looks OK to me.

Gavin Morris:
Marvin Malcolm Grahame Grieve confirmed with our product team:

it's normally local knowledge if someone is Koori or Murri etc, but never really recorded in Communicare, or if it is, it'd be in freetext or a letter but nowhere structured. The closest we have to cultural groups is skin group, but that is a different concept

Michael Lawley:
Grahame Grieve [said]

Another strawman:

"extension" : [{
 "url" : "http://hl7.org.au/fhir/StructureDefinition/community-affiliation",
  "valueString" : "Karjaganujaru"

Is it worth using CodeableConcept.text for this to leave space for a future where we have Codings?

Danielle Tavares:
Pros and Cons. String mitigates risk of inappropriate terminology neglecting patient ability to provide the value. Codeable sets the pathway and expectation that there will be terminology support and linking that in future to decision support etc.

Grahame Grieve:
Gavin Morris interesting, thanks. How do you record skin groups, and why?

Is it worth using CodeableConcept.text for this to leave space for a future where we have Codings? what I'm collecting isn't ever codeable, so I prefer no. Particularly once we get into immigrants, then it's really not codeable

F2F comment - for discussion final position is needed

Moved to Jira FHIR-46318