
multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context

Thermi opened this issue ยท 4 comments

acmetool doesn't build on Arch with the following error message:

# github.com/hlandau/acme/storage
../fakegopath/src/github.com/hlandau/acme/storage/types.go:197:17: multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context

This issue is due to an upstream API change in the github.com/satori/go.uuid package, specifically the change for satori/go.uuid#18. A number of people have raised issues against go.uuid about this being a breaking API change, so there's a chance that it will be reverted at some point.

(It's possible to work around this to build Acme with a small code change, or in go.uuid by checking out a version before this breaking API change.)

Thank you for the response. Would you please provide a patch for that?

New version

u, err := uuid.NewV4()
obj.uuid = u.String() 

I would like to be able to

obj.uuid = uuid.MustNewV4().String()

If error to send panic for MustNewV4

id,_ := uuid.NewV4()