ACMEv2 progress?
athanp opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Any progress finalizing acme v2 implementation?
No answer after 10 days...
I assume we now have another "great but dead opensource project"๐
Yes. Absolutely. "...dead opensource project".
I've been a Slackware user for 25 years. You echo a hollow, rhetorical question often predicated upon a myriad of frustrations. Here's the deal. It works, is relevant, and to move forward all one needs ever do if their impatient or disatisfied, is click the little 'fork' button up there on the top of the project page.
If you visit the Slackware site it often appears to be quite dated. And yet, it remains relevant and although is indeed actively maintained on a daily basis if one bothers to check the Changelog, this on the surface idleness spawns a continual barage of, " this distro dead?", sort of inquiry.
This projects software works great anyway! And lofty aspersions toward loftier goals often results in the realization of just how monumental or formidable something on the roadmap is going to be - especially for an Open Source Project, that might depend upon the eeked out spare time of developers involved.
Have you searched for an alternative LE related client project that fits the needs that you believe an acme v2 would provide? That's another one of those, rhetorical, questions.
I run a lot of really old software on my brand shiny new OSes, and I can tell you that even though some of these old favs are three and seven and more years old, I prefer using those to the newer ones, especially when considering that there is often replacement software in terms of alternative FOSS projects.
I customize what I need, watch for security issues, and continue to use something with less complexity than I actually need. wrt the LE experiment become de facto standard, I also run something called "le". You won't find it in the repos, it's been renamed, and I don't run that more modern, and much more sophisticated, Bash LE client.
When installing on a new machine, I install one of a couple of much older (and lightly customized) versions from my fork of the project a couple of years back.
I encourage you to consider the ramifications of passive-aggressive implications that a project is dead, or irrelevant, as such is usually much further from the truth than is good for all of us here in the community - especially yourself.
To play devil's advocate: acmetool will be irrelevant in around 9 months since letsencrypt will shutdown acme v1, and acmetool has no implementation of v2.