
Moderator input broken after validation error

Closed this issue · 4 comments


  • Click "Create room"
  • Enter a user's name into the "Moderator" input. Don't fill in anything else because we want validation to fail.
  • Click "Submit"


Validation fails for room "Name" and "Stories", but the moderator input retains previous input.


Validation fails, and the moderators' PKs are displayed in the input. Autocomplete no longer works.

@sloria Thanks for creating the issue, I'll fix it in coming days.

BTW, are you seeing any network issue while using pokrex, like cannot "vote" or "flip"? It's not related with the issue tho.

I don't see any issues with voting or flipping.

OK, cool. It should be the company network issue then, thanks.

Fixed in 7c72eea and ed7558a.