
Enabling solaire mode in only a few (file) buffer

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I am a happy user of your doom themes (they are great!).
With the recent update, I started setting up solaire mode. Earlier, I enabled doom-buffer-mode only for prog-mode and it worked well (I liked org and other text modes to be darker). Now with solaire mode, I can't get this behavior and every buffer visiting a file is getting bright background, even without adding any hooks.

I suspect this is because of this advice

(advice-add #'persp-load-state-from-file :after #'solaire-mode--persp-mode-reload)

Any ideas?

In case this helps, I am using spacemacs and doom-molokai theme.

Ah, in hindsight, that advice is too aggressive. I'll fix that.

Though, just to clarify, you're using persp-mode, correct?

Yes. Also, as a temporary fix, removing that advice works for me.

I've made the persp-mode advice optional. I'll consider this resolved. Thanks for reporting it!