Can we fix the weird fringe issue?
tam5 opened this issue · 1 comments
When opening treemacs, it looks like there is a fringe which is highlighted with the same color as the background and it looks buggy.
What i've noticed, is that creating a new split seems to fix this, but the fix does not stick around.
I am wondering if there may be a way to tap into this "fix" behavior, and trigger it to run when appropriate (unless of course there is a more correct and permanent solution).
Here is what I am talking about:
The screencast is too small to see what exactly you mean, but a combination of 2be8aa0 and upgrading to Emacs 27.x should fix this (as it adds the ability to buffer-locally change the fringe face). If you are on 26.x or older I suggest you upgrade (Doom will be dropping 26.x support late next month in any case).
Alternatively, (setq solaire-mode-remap-fringe nil)
will stop solaire mode from tinkering with the fringe at all.
In any case, I'll consider this resolved.