
Org LaTeX preview background face

andreyorst opened this issue · 11 comments

Org mode has this amazing LaTeX preview feature, that transforms these formulas to images:



But it seems that it uses the background from Doom Themes, and not from Solaire. I wonder if Solaire should remap this background too.

Hm, it also seems the same issue with the arbitrary transparent png images:

This is what I am currently what I'm using to get around the issue with latex previews:

  (defun +org-update-latex-preview-background-color (&rest _)
     (plist-put org-format-latex-options
                (face-attribute (or (cadr (assq 'default face-remapping-alist))
                                :background nil t))))
  (advice-add #'load-theme :after #'+org-update-latex-preview-background-color)

I'm not sure about transparent images, however. I'll look into that.

This works for LaTeX indeed. Can I hook it with Solaire and not with load-theme somehow? I don't see solaire-mode-hook or something like that.

Or not. If I call this function manually, and preview LaTeX, then the bg is correct:


But on the second preview it isn't:


There is a solaire-mode-hook (they're implicitly defined for all minor modes -- and well-behaved major-modes).

(add-hook 'solaire-mode-hook #'+org-update-latex-preview-background-color)

With this hook it works fine. Thanks. Now only transparent images need to be configured. It's not high priority though as I rarely use them.

This is not working with mixed-pitch-mode. For eg., if i have this in my config.el

(setq doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "ETBembo" :size 13))

Then, when i load an org file, and enable mixed-pitch-mode, and then solaire-mode, i get the following error:
face-attribute: Invalid face: :family, "ETBembo", :height, 130

This is because with mixed-pitch-mode, (assq 'default face-remapping-alist) returns (default (:family "ETBembo" :height 130) variable-pitch default)

I've used this function to fix the color of transparent backgrounds of images in org mode:

(defun aorst/create-image-with-background-color (args)
  "Specify background color of Org-mode inline image through modify `ARGS'."
  (let* ((file (car args))
         (type (cadr args))
         (data-p (caddr args))
         (props (cdddr args)))
    ;; get this return result style from `create-image'
    (append (list file type data-p)
            (list :background (face-attribute (or (cadr (assq 'default face-remapping-alist))
                                              :background nil t))
(advice-add 'create-image :filter-args #'aorst/create-image-with-background-color)

Taken from this SO answer

This is not working with mixed-pitch-mode. For eg., if i have this in my config.el

(setq doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "ETBembo" :size 13))

Then, when i load an org file, and enable mixed-pitch-mode, and then solaire-mode, i get the following error:
face-attribute: Invalid face: :family, "ETBembo", :height, 130

This is because with mixed-pitch-mode, (assq 'default face-remapping-alist) returns (default (:family "ETBembo" :height 130) variable-pitch default)

I've fixed this for my image function by checking if we extract face:

(defun aorst/create-image-with-background-color (args)
    "Specify background color of inline image by modifing ARGS."
    (apply (lambda (file type data-p &rest props)
             (append (list file type data-p)
                     (list :background (face-attribute
                                        (let ((face (cadr (assq 'default face-remapping-alist))))
                                          (if (facep face) face 'default))
                                        :background nil t))
  (advice-add 'create-image :filter-args #'aorst/create-image-with-background-color)

This way, if you use some modes, like text-scale-mode you'll at least get images without errors, though with incorrect background color. If you have further Ideas how to avoid this error, I'd like to hear. I've thought also about memoizing color, but this will not work as reliable as detection.

Sorry for the tremendously late reply. As of f3c7213 this should be fixed. Please unpin then update solaire-mode and let me know if that isn't the case and I'll reopen this. Thanks for your help and input!

Sorry for the tremendously late reply.

No worries! Everything seems to work great!