How can i make the minibuffer to match its buffer's color
oxcl opened this issue · 2 comments
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how can i make the minibuffer to be the same color of its buffer?
currently even for real buffers the solaire mode is activated for its minibuffer. is this the default behavior? how can this be changed?
This question is a bit vague. The minibuffer (with solaire-mode on) already matches the background of non-real buffers:
(left window = non-real buffer, right window = real (file-visiting) buffer))
You can swap this by adding your theme to solaire-mode-themes-to-face-swap
. E.g.
(with-eval-after-load 'solaire-mode
(add-to-list 'solaire-mode-themes-to-face-swap 'doom-tomorrow-night))
OR you can swap what buffers solaire-mode considers "real" by changing the solaire-mode-real-buffer-fn
setting. E.g.
(with-eval-after-load 'solaire-mode
(setq solaire-mode-real-buffer-fn (lambda () (not (solaire-mode-real-buffer-p)))))
That said, solaire-mode support also depends on what colors the loaded theme uses for the default
and solaire-default-face
faces, so changing your theme is a fourth alternative. The screenshots above use doom-tomorrow-night (from doom-themes.
Hope that helps!