
Setting solaire colour

benwtks opened this issue · 2 comments

How do I add config to my init.el to change the colour of neotree to be darker than the editor (using doom-tomorrow-night), without removing the bg swap which makes it darker but then uses the wrong background colour in the editor

So you are using solaire-mode-swap-bg, but you want the background of temporary/popup buffers (like neotree) to be darker?

You'll have to change the background color of solaire-default-face:

(set-face-background 'solaire-default-face "#000000") ; for example

The two colors being used for doom-tomorrow-night are #1d1f21 and #232527. So maybe you want it to be darker than the former? Perhaps "#141517"?

I'll assume this issue is resolved. Let me know if that isn't the case and I will reopen it.