
The cursor behavior is different than normal when exist evil-multiedit-insert mode

dsdshcym opened this issue · 2 comments

Similar issue to syl20bnr/evil-iedit-state#5

My guess is:

  • evil-multiedit is calling evil-multiedit-state directly to go back to evil-multiedit "normal" mode
  • which will not move back the cursor
  • same things goes with evil-iedit-state-mode
  • and evil-normal-state will call evil-adjust-cursor as a post-command and does something else to adjust the cursor position

My temporary solution for this is:

   :keymaps 'evil-multiedit-insert-state-map
   "<escape>" (lambda () (interactive) (evil-multiedit-state) (evil-move-cursor-back)))

Sorry for taking so long to notice this issue! I've incorporated your solution into evil-multiedit proper. I'll consider this issue resolved, but feel free to reopen it if you encounter any problems with it!

Thanks a lot for the fix!

This solution has been working pretty well. (And I've already forgot I opened this issue)