
Snipe repeat not working when key is rebound

LemonBreezes opened this issue · 2 comments

When changing the key-bindings of f and t the repeat feature does not rebind. Also,
(evil-snipe-def 1 inclusive "f" "F")
(evil-snipe-def 1 exclusive "t" "T")
does not fix this for me.

To rebind, try:

;; First declare the commands:
;; assuming you want to rebind f/F to a/A:
(evil-snipe-def 1 inclusive "a" "A")
;; and t/T to b/B
(evil-snipe-def 1 exclusive "b" "B")

;; then bind the keys:
(evil-define-key* 'motion evil-snipe-local-mode-map
  "a" #'evil-snipe-a
  "A" #'evil-snipe-A
  "b" #'evil-snipe-b
  "B" #'evil-snipe-B)

Thank you very much. Your snippet did the trick!