
FR: Bold Text Enhancement

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As a Mack Trucks content author, I want to use bolded font on my site so that I can make specific text stand out to capture my readers attention.

Acceptance Criteria

Editor AC:

  • As an editor, I can simply bold the font in the word document and that will make the text show up on the website as bolded font.
  • As an editor, I can make the font bold on any page.

Non-functional AC:

  • It seems that the Helix 5 upgrade has changed the ability for editors to have bolded font come through from the word doc to website and this may need to be refactored.


See example of where text is bolded in the word document but not shown as bolded in the website: https://main--vg-macktrucks-com--hlxsites.hlx.page/drafts/wendy.kruger/bugs#text-formatting

Technical details

Cannot use bold text, Cause: Line 914 in the redesign css overrides strong or b tags with font-weight normal.
Example: https://main--vg-macktrucks-com--hlxsites.hlx.page/drafts/wendy.kruger/bugs#:~:text=Issues%3A%20bold%20font%20not%20displaying%2C%20unordered%20list%20bullets%20not%20showing

.redesign-v2 strong, .redesign-v2 b {
font-weight: normal;

Attachment / link to Figma

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