This repo presents a neat and scalable codebase for few-shot segmentation research.
Major references: PFENet, CWT, and Segmenter.
- Test Env: Python 3.9.7 (Singularity)
- Path on NYU Greene:
- Path on NYU Greene:
- Packages:
- torch (1.10.2+cu113), torchvision (0.11.3+cu113), timm (0.5.4)
- numpy, scipy, pandas, tensorboardX
- cv2, einops
git clone && cd FSS-Codebase
Note: Make sure the path in scripts/
works for you.
# default data root: ../dataset/VOCdevkit/VOC2012
bash scripts/
You may refer to PFENet for more details.
For ImageNet pre-trained models, please download it here (credits PFENet) and unzip as initmodel/
. For models pre-trained on the base classes, you may find it here (credits CWT) and rename them as follows: pretrained/[dataset]/split[i]/pspnet_resnet[layers]/best.pth
- initmodel: ImageNet pre-trained backbone weights.
- pretrained: Base classes pre-trained backbone weights.
- configs: Base configurations for experiments.
- scripts: Training and helper scripts.
- results: Logs and checkpoints.
- src: Source code.
aims to make efficient config modifications for experiment purposes. It follows the format of [exp_group]_[meta_cfg]_[train_cfg]
, see src/
for a sample usage.
# debug mode (i.e., only log to shell)
python -m src.train --config configs/pascal_sample.yaml --exp_id sample_wd_pm11 --debug True
# submit to slurm
sbatch scripts/train_pascal.slurm configs/pascal_sample.yaml sample_wd_pm11
# output dir: results/sample/wd_pm11
tail results/sample/wd_pm11/output.log