
[BUG] Black Line at the top

Martin1991zab opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug


the image is in full screen mode shifted downwards.
A few pixels are cut off at the bottom and a (10px) black line is at the top

it still worked properly 1.12

To Reproduce

  1. Start Game (Baldur's Gate 3)
  2. As soon as the window changes to full screen the image is shifted downwards (10px or so)


Screenshot from 2023-08-12 16-16-36

hm ... in a dark theme the black border/ line at the top is hard see

Operating System

Fedora 38

Desktop Environment


Display Server


Installation method




Is this a fresh install of the app or an update from a past version?

both tested, same problem

Did this issue appear right away upon installation/updating, or spontaneously?

only with 1.13

Additional context

No response

if someone need it

downgrade to 1.12.0:
sudo flatpak update --commit=1aa9c2e15cb5a7616fbaa5db96a2a7ed27843ce11d2a9a2247c298fa71b29fb4 io.github.hmlendea.geforcenow-electron
prevent updates:
sudo flatpak mask io.github.hmlendea.geforcenow-electron
allow updates again:
sudo flatpak mask --remove io.github.hmlendea.geforcenow-electron

ups - reopen

Is this still an issue in the latest release?

Hello @hmlendea, as graphics cards are now affordable again and I have built myself a new gaming PC, so I canceled Geforce NOW and am no longer using it. If nobody else has this problem, I would say that Issure can be closed.
