
Cannot change language

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Hello, in the main screen there is no way to change language (you can change it during login but it won't persist). How can I do?


Sorry for the late response.

What version are you on?
By language do you mean the UI language, or the keyboard language?

Hello, I mean the UI language. The keyboard language can be changed in the settings.

As you can see you can change the language for the other windows (e.g. login) but it doesn't persist in the main window.



For flatpak version, UI language can be changed using this command

sudo flatpak override --env=LANG=pl_PL io.github.hmlendea.geforcenow-electron

where "pl_PL" is an example for polish language (ICU format)

Tealk commented


how can i change it with the AUR installation?
Especially with the password input it is stupid if the english layout is used although I have set the german one system wide.

You have to tweak useragent, set ChromeOS, in order to have keyboard layout selection appear in "Settings" menu of geforceNow.
Note that once it's set, it's remembered, you only need to set it once.

Hope it still works.

I used a .deb file to install, can i also change language? Playing Ark in Dutch is sooo annoying... :)

@squalou you said tweak useragent, can you tell me where to do that? i run kubuntu and used the latest .deb file.

For AUR / DEB you need to edit .desktop file and add environment variable defining your locale code.

I.e. copy your geforce now .desktop file from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications and edit line starting with "Exec" like this: Exec=env LANG=en_US /path/to/geforce-now (add "env LANG=en_US" for English-US lang)

Tweaking the useragent can be done with the --spoof-chromeos and --spoof-windows CLI arguments

Thank you gentlemen... :) i'll dive into it... :)

@xVANKO Your solution totally worked, finally i got the interface in English... :)