



Matlab implementation of the common dictionary leaning algorithm from Morioka et al., NeuroImage 2015.

Morioka H., Kanemura A., Hirayama J., Shikauchi M., Ogawa T., Ikeda S., Kawanabe M., Ishii S. Learning a common dictionary for subject-transfer decoding with resting calibration. Neuroimage, 111:167–178 (2015).

Version 1.0, July 1 2015
Author: Hiroshi Morioka.
License: Apache License, Version 2.0

Common dictionary learning programs (./commonDL):
commonDL - main algorithm of the common dictionary learning
runwiseSC - run-wise sparse coding
schedSampling - needed by commonDL

Demo programs:
demo - main demo program
set_path - set up path
generate_artificial_data - generate artificial signals used in simulations
showmatgrid - for plotting bases