
duplicate @keyframes generated in CSS

Opened this issue · 5 comments

This SCSS code producing duplicate @keyframes bounceOut { keyframes in generated CSS.

.sumo1 {
  @include bounceOut($duration: 1s);
  @include bounceOut($duration: 2s);

how to avoid duplicate keyframes?

Was the duplicate keyframe issue ever solved? I've been trying to find a solution myself but it doesn't seem possible yet.

No solution yet. Still researching ....

I don't think it is possible at the current state of scss. The only resolution I've come up with would be to set the animation at the root instead of nested as a property per each item. This would require a lot of restructering but would look something like this.

//take classes and IDs as arguments
@mixin bounceIn($class){
     //set animation
  @keyframes BounceIn{
     //keyframe stuff

//set animation once at root of file to include all objects we want with bounceIn
@include bounceIn($class: ".objectA, .objectB, #thisToo");

//do styling on each object without the animation since it's being declared globally
    //normal styles
    //normal styles
    padding:10px 30px;
    //normal styles

It's possible with unique-id() sass function.


$unique_id: unique-id();
animation: wobble_#{$unique_id} ....
@Keyframes wobble_#{$unique_id} {

cssnano doesn't clean this up?