
Problems with issuing an invitation

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I am creating a test agent, authorising my software through OAuth for sending an invitation then sending an invitation, but getting a "session record not found" 401 error which I presume is the SessionRecordNotFound exception. What should I do?

Moreso in the sense of who should I speak to. I have emailed SDST (at their new address) and they have said they cannot recreate the error.

Hi @johnhemming can you please tells us the steps you made? so we can debug on our side

I have a test bed that creates a new agent, then authorises my software using oauth (which it does for the scope sent-invitations ) and then runs:
With a JSON string of:
{"service": ["MTD-IT"], "clientType":"personal", "clientIdType": "ni", "clientId": "SW724953C", "knownFact": "RM85 0VL" }

I have just run this. I would be happy to give you the IP address from which this is running and I could allow you access to my test bed so you can run it (although it has to be switched on), but I don't want to do that via github. Best to email me and establish a direct email contact.
I have just run it (twice actually, the first time oauth failed, the second time it worked).

I got this response:
401 Unauthorized {"statusCode":401,"message":"Session record not found"} 401 error message

Hi @johnhemming sorry for late reply. what is the best email to use to contact you? We will investigate and get back to you as soon as possible.

Also I cannot help wondering. Is this an issue for the Agent Authorization Api: not this particular repo?

You might be right about that. It relates to agents authorisations. My email is anyway.

However, it is running the invitations rest method so It might be here as well.

Hi @johnhemming, we will continue this issue via email

This was my error and I thank Paul for assisting me and resolving it.